オサンポ walk - 夜陰の青梗菜 a bok-choy in the dark night

2016年12月01日 | 日記

It's a bok-Choy on the bush
The last day of November
It is here

一株(?)のチンゲン菜が、植え込みの上に載っていました。ハテ? スーパーor畑でゲットして自転車に乗せて帰る途中に道に落ちちまった…とかでしょうか? それを誰かが拾って、植え込みの上に置いた。一晩が過ぎて…(→続く)

I found that one bok-choy was on the bush last night. What happened? Someone who got it at the supermarket or a croft then got it on the bicycle to go home, but dropped on the footpath. Another someone picked it up then put it on the bush.....?
Then, the night passed... (→to be continued)
(The photo wouldn't be easy to see... sorry for inconvenience...)

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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