オサンポ walk - タンポポ似 they look like dandelion

2017年05月18日 | 日記

They are yellow
Flowers that look
Like dandelion

ネットでチョイっと調べたところ、「ブタナ」という花かも知れません。漢字では「豚菜」とか。「タンポポ」「蒲公英」と、姿は似ていても、名前の雰囲気が全然違いますね。「ブタナ」はクビが長すぎるから? 「タンピピ」とかって名付けたら、出会える度に笑えたかも知れないのに(?)とかってちょっと考えましたワイ。

I checked it out on the internet to know its name. I think that it's name is "catsear" in English. In Japan, we call it a different name, Butana (it comes from this French name, Salade de porc(pork)). We call it dandelion as Tan-popo, it sounds lovely for Japanese. I think "Butana" looks like dandelion, I recommend that let's call Butana "Tan-pipi", it sounds funnier more than "Butana". Whenever we see "Tan-pipi", we could laugh at them.
If you'd like to know more about "catsear", check it on Wikipedia.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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