オサンポ walk - ドングリの木 a acorn tree

2017年12月20日 | 日記

Goodbye, dear the tree
See you again
At here where we can see a beautiful sunset


There was a tree that had acorns when it is autumn on the middle of footpath. We can enjoy seeing a beautiful sunset sometimes from here even it's not wide viewing, used to be with the tree. But the tree has been cut, now also dug out its roots.
In the area, we can still have got the same or similar kind of trees. It depends on where the trees have been planted. It divides their fates. I found the flat ground on the footpath there, nothing with the tree. I'm sure whenever( or sometimes) I walk on here, I will remember you. I hope you are happy with it. Anyway, hope see you again somewhere.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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