Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

「すべてのアイルランド人が人種差別主義者というわけではない」 怯えて暮らす黒人家族

2008年06月20日 01時35分09秒 | Weblog

A NIGERIAN mother-of-five said she now fears for her children's lives after an attack on her home.

Mary Simon (38) was at work with the Brothers of Charity in Waterford on Tuesday at about 11.30pm when the windows on the ground floor of her terraced house in Clonard Park, Ballybeg, Waterford, were broken in an unprovoked attack.

Gardai in Waterford were last night continuing their investigations into the attack. Ms Simon's son Victor (17) was at home with brothers Samuel (15) and Solomon (13) when he heard the windows smash.

A sobbing Ms Simon said: "I don't know why they are doing all this. The last time this happened they told my son they would set a fire. Not all the Irish are racist -- some are good.

Family in terror after second house attack
By Ciaran Murphy

Thursday June 19 2008


