Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Okinawa 有道くんが語らなかったこと

2008年05月03日 17時52分23秒 | Weblog
 昨日の投稿で書いたけど、そのとき買った本の一冊。 Blow-back。よく知られているがまだ読んではいなかった。というのもJapan focusで、紹介されていて、インタービュー読んで、まあ、こんな感じかぁと思ってそのままにしていた。著者はコテコテの左といってしまえば、それまでだが、面白い観点がある。blow-back とは、他国での秘密工作をした結果の反発が自国に跳ね返ってくること。戦後日本で勉強していたり、中国を勉強したりして、日本軍が中国で一般市民を虐殺し、共産党は市民をそうした暴虐から救う反日救世主として農民の支持を得てその力を増していき、いまでも、中国人、中国人の知識人は日本を恨んでている、ということを学んだ。同様なことが戦後のアメリカにも起きている、他国でのアメリカの理不尽な活動が各国からの反発をうけ、無辜のアメリカ人までもその標的にされている、というような発想らしい。まだ、最初の方しか読んでいないが、Okinawaに最初の一章あてられており、それを読んでいて不図、有道君が沖縄に旅行していた投稿と、沖縄での米兵によるレイプ事件について思い出した。
 写真は 有道(Arudou)くんの沖縄投稿で掲載されているものだ。

At about eight P.M. on September4, 1995, two American marines and a sailor seized a twelve-yea-old Okinawan girl on her way home from shopping, bound and gagged her, drove he in a rented car to a remote location and raped her. Marine Pfc.Rodrico Harp and Seaman Marcus Gill confessed that they violently beat her and that MarinePfc.Kendrick Ledet bound her mouth, eyes , hands and legs with duct tape. Described in court by an acquaintance as a "tank"Gill was six feet tall and weighted 270 pounds . He confess to raping the girl while the other two claimed that they had merely abducted and beaten her. According to an AP account of the trial, "The court interpreter broke down upon hearing [Gill]'s account of lewd joke he and his companions made about their unconscious and bleeding victim. Police introduced into the trial proceedings a plastic bag found in a trash can that contained three
sets of bloodstained men's underwear, a school notebook, and duct tape.....
.....All were based on Camp Hansen. Gill told the court that threemen had embarked on the rape "just for fun" and had picked the girl out at raondom as she was leaving a staionary.
A few week later, from his headquarters at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the commander of al lU.S forces in the Pacific, Admiral Richard C. Macke.remarked to the press, I think[the rape]]was absolutely stupid. For the price they paid to rent the car, they could have had a girl....


page 37
A reader trying to imagine what follows would perhaps have to transpose the Okinawan situation to Greater Los Angels, imagining the choicest fifth of it to be occupied in a similar way by an allied and "friendly"foreign military......
Certainly, from an Okinawan point of view, Admiral Macke's remark merely confirmed what they had already long experienced; that this was not an isolated incident committed by undisciplined enlisted men but part of a pattern ignored, if not condoned, at the highest level of American hierarchy.


By the late 1960's, the Americans had build their complex of more than hundred bases, much of it by forcibly seizing land from defensless Okinawans who were without official citizenship, legal protections, or rights of any sort from any country.


なお、Comfort women; Yuki Tanaka on sexual violence of military(1)・zeroも参照のこと

page 41
..... in a period of only six months in 1949 journalist Frank Gibney reported G.I. killing twenty-nine Okinawans and raping another eighteen and that in late 1958 a quarter to a third of the Third Marine Division in Okinaawas infected with venereal disease, ....

Of course, most of these criminal acts were not sexual assaults. Russel Carollo and a team of reporters from the Dayton Daily News went through one hundred thousand court martial records going back to 1988 to find out how many servicemen had been brought before military courts charged with rape and how they had been treated. They discovered that since 1988, navy and marine base in Japan have had 169 courts-martial for sexual assaults, the highest number of all U.S bases world-wide, 66 percent more cases than at the number-two location , San Diego, which has more than twice the personnel. ......"Japan" here essentially Okinawa.
.....Freedom of Information Act request and the army released its record only after being sued by Dayton Daily News, the statistics cited in their stories of October 1-5 1995, do not even include army figures.....In Okinawan cluture it is unbearably humiliating for an adult woman to bring a charge of rape.....Thus, the numbers of undoubted significantly underestimate the actual occurrence of rape. Disturbingly, the Dayton Daily News articles revealed that the military had allowed hundreds of accused sex offenders in its rank to go free despite court-martial convictions. The Nation magazine, ..concluded, "Covering up sexual assault is Pentagon policy."


page 44
Ben Tanaka, ..told Newsweek, "We once surveyed our girl students asking if they had had any scary experience with U. S. soldier on their way to school or back home. One-third to one half of the students answered yes. ...The rape case was just the tip of the ice berg. .....


page 57
...There are an estimated ten thousand children of mixed parentage---offspring of unknown or long-gone American fathers and Okinawan mothers---whom the prefecture is obliged to support and educate. During his 1998 visit to Washington, Governer Ota indicated to Kurt Campbell, deputy assistance secretary of defence for East Asia and the Pacific, that " we have a situation in Okinawa where children with dual citizenship and one parent who is American are not receiving an adequate education" He asked that they be allowed to attend schools on the bases free of charge. Cambell, ....fobbed off the seventy-three-year-old Ota with a standard response that disguises the nature of the de facto American colonialism in Okinawa;he urged the governor to take up such issues with the government in Tokyo.

An estimated ninety percent of children there are from relationships from the US military bases, mostly single Japanese parents raising their children in Japan, but unable to fit into regular Japanese schools (due to bullying etc. issues).


 沖縄ではつい先日も少女への暴行事件が問題になった。(昨日のJapan Probeでは、佐世保での米兵の日本女性への暴行が記事になっていた。)

 著者は、沖縄の事件に関連してThe 'Rape' of Okinawaと題して、論攷を書き記している。

What I’m really waiting for is the torrent of apologies, marching in the streets and international diplomatic wrangling which will follow the announcement that the rape charges against the US Marine have been dropped.











  その米海兵隊と米空軍は対立関係にある。だから基地の合理化は米国に任せていては進まない。  日本のほうから基地の整理・統合化のイニシアテブをとるべきである

Arudou Debito


Arudou Debito・Arudou Debito・Arudou Debito・Arudou Debito


