Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

日本は、韓国芸能文化に侵略されると恐れているぞ! 韓国はすごいぞ!

2018年11月17日 15時09分23秒 | Weblog
Fears of Japanese Pop Culture Invasion Proved Unfounded
By Yoon Soo-jung, Choi Eun-kyung

Culture critic Jung Duk-hyun said, "When the Beatles became a sensation in the U.S. in the 1960s, they called it the 'British invasion.' This sense of crisis is growing in Japan due to the increasing influence of K-pop, with Bangtan Boys, also known as BTS, being the Beatles of the 21st century."

Culture critic Jung Duk-hyun said, "When the Beatles became a sensation in the U.S. in the 1960s, they called it the 'British invasion.' This sense of crisis is growing in Japan due to the increasing influence of K-pop, with Bangtan Boys, also known as BTS, being the Beatles of the 21st century."

This trend is most evident in the music industry. Exports of Korean songs to Japan were worth US$277.3 million in 2016. That is 100 times more than the $2.9 million worth of Japanese songs imported by Korea during the same period.

Korea is also far ahead of Japan when it comes to computer games. Exports of Korean computer games to Japan have reached $600 million, which is more than 10 times the size of Japanese computer game imports of $51.6 million. The same goes for TV program, whose exports to Japan are around 12 times larger than imports.

日本は、韓国芸能文化に侵略されると恐れているぞ! 韓国は芸能でも、コンピューターゲームでもすごいぞ!日本を遥かに凌いでいるぞ、と


