Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

unfortunate expression 

2010年02月25日 04時34分25秒 | Weblog
MSNBC Regular Donny Deutsch Slams Marco Rubio With Racially Charged Attack: He's a 'Coconut'
By Scott Whitlock (Bio | Archive)
Tue, 02/23/2010
- 13:35 ET

MSNBC and CNBC contributor -- and professed Charlie Crist admirer -- Donny Deutsch used racially charged language on Monday night, smearing Republican senatorial candidate Marco Rubio as a "coconut."

Video: Donny Deutsch calls Marco Rubio a “coconut”; Update: I didn’t know it was a slur, says Deutsch

 同じように、 oreoというのもあるらしい。これは外見が”黒人”、中身は”白人”ということらしい。
Coconut,’ for those lucky enough to have missed it up to this point, is a derogatory racial epithet hurled against dark-skinned individuals deemed insufficiently ‘authentic.’ It suggests that the individual in question is ‘brown on the outside, white on the inside.’ When used by someone of the same ethnic identity as the slurred individual, it takes on the additional connotation of ‘race traitor;’ when used by someone of Caucasian ancestry, it typically represents an opportunity to express racial hatreds in a socially acceptable manner.


February 24, 2010
France state railway sparks racism fury with warning on Romanians

Adam Sage, Paris

The French state railway network has been accused of racism after asking passengers to report Romanians to security staff following a spate of thefts.

A safety information notice posted in SNCF trains in southwest France warned of “problems with Romanians” and said that “numerous thefts of luggage have been noticed”.
In terms reminiscent of the Italian Government’s onslaught against alleged Romanian criminals, the message told passengers to be “doubly vigilant” and added that “all acts by Romanians must be reported”.・・・・・・

As the controversy threatened to sour relations between Paris and Bucharest, the SNCF issued an apology, blaming the “unfortunate expression” on an individual guard and saying that the signs had been taken down as soon as executives in Paris had been alerted.

The sign relit a debate that has never gone away in France over the wisdom of allowing Romania to enter the European Union ― seen as an error by a substantial slice of French public opinion.

It also unleashed a wave of anti-Romanian sentiment on French websites, with one user, for instance, saying: “Everyone knows that they send children to steal from tourists and travellers.

“Police catch them every day but must release them because they are minors.”

French newspapers regularly report alleged criminal acts by Romanian gangs. They said last month that eight Romanian children aged between 12 and 17 had been arrested for allegedly stealing a total of €20,000 (£18,000) from people withdrawing money from cash dispensers in the Paris region.

Last year the media noted the arrest of a Romanian gang suspected of stealing from supermarkets on the French Riviera.

In 2008 a French sports journalist was reprimanded by the Higher Audiovisual Council for describing Romanians as “chicken thieves” during a football match between France and Romania.

Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian Prime Minister, has been accused of stigmatising Romanians in Italy after blaming them for the country’s crime wave.

 さすがに、ルーマニア政府は怒る。フランス国鉄は unfortunate expression、残念な表現があったとして、謝罪。

(unfortunate を使うのは、豪州との捕鯨問題につき、unfortunateとした岡田君だけではないんだね。)


Japan Sumo Association places new restrictions on foreign-born wrestlers

February 24th, 2010 by James



6+5 rule


外国人枠 (日本プロ野球)

foreign player quota foreign player policy

Gatting's war on foreign players

Domestic Cricket Tournaments Not To Have Foreign Players


入門後に日本国籍を取得した力士を含めて1部屋1人の申し合わせ事項が再確認された。2010年2月24日 日刊スポーツ 

というところで、一致している。要するに、外国人枠というより、外国人入門枠ーーー枠というより、枠の入り口ーーーーを当該外国人入門者が 帰化しようとしまいが、引退するまで、外国人に関しては、1人に限定する、ということであろう。



日本相撲協会は23日、東京・両国国技館で理事会を開き、1部屋1人の「外国人枠」を「外国出身力士枠」に切り替えることを決めた。(スポニチ 2月24日)










