Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

服装チェックにIDチェック 他

2010年04月24日 16時27分40秒 | Weblog

Belgium, France Prepare to Ban Islamic Veils
By Erick Stakelbeck
CBN News Terrorism Analyst
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Islam's rapid rise in Europe is beginning to face some stiff opposition. France and Belgium are seeking to ban Islamic veils that cover the face. Lawmakers said the move will help preserve European culture.


Muslim driver fined for wearing veil
Woman, 31, accuses French police of attacking her freedom after she was fined for wearing a niqab while driving in Nantes

guardian.co.uk, Friday 23 April 2010 21.07


Minister supports school's 'headscarf' decision
By: ThinkSpain , Thursday, April 22, 2010

The president of the Comunidad de Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, stated yesterday that the government "would under no circumstances" question the freedom of schools to implement their own rules, provided they "respected and supported" the regional executive's norms.

Aguirre was referring to yesterday's a vote by the school council at the Instituto Camilo José Cela de Pozuelo in Alarcón, which ratified the school's earlier decision not to allow pupils to wear headgear, including, in this case, the moslem veil.


Japanese TV report: What’s the Deal With Sagging Pants in America? 


Stop The Sag: State Senator Starts Campaign To End Saggy Pants (VIDEO)
Huffington Post | David Weiner First Posted: 03-29-



 viaThe Exciting World of South Korean Protests
July 15, 2007 | by Jefferson |


Chop Suey Specs plastic novelty glasses

Price $2.99

Fool your friends this Oriental disguise

chop suey specs... again(Angry Asian man)


For some people, I guess this joke will never get old. Meanwhile, the rest of us have to deal with the same old racist comments and slant-eyed gestures.






Michael Cosgrove
guardian.co.uk, Friday 23 April 2010

My eyes were opened after a change of address in 1993, which meant I had to renew my resident's card. When I went to the prefecture of police to collect the new one my address included the mention "chez l'habitant" because of a law introduced by the rightwing minister Charles Pasqua, which toughened housing legislation to make it harder for foreigners to live here.

That angered me so much that I snapped the card in two and said to the bemused duty officer: "I will not be treated like a second-class citizen and you may arrest me if you wish." His whispered response, tinged with understanding, was: "Shut up and leave or else I'll be obliged to. There are cameras watching and microphones. Just be grateful you're not an Arab." So I left quietly. I never applied for a resident's card after that and nor have I needed to present one. They are, moreover, no longer necessary for EU citizens.

Algerians, Moroccans and Tunisians – Maghrebis – and Africans make up the bulk of France's estimated 6.5 million immigrants and they do not appear to have things as easy as I do. It is almost impossible to spend a Saturday afternoon downtown here without seeing some of them – individually or in groups – undergoing random ID checks by the police or riot police, and those without adequate ID have been known to be taken into custody with sometimes fatal results. I see at least one such check a week, although I have never heard of a Brit being checked in that manner.



