Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

福島県沖魚介類 自然放射線の範囲内

2017年12月31日 17時56分51秒 | Weblog



The young boy’s sadness is expressed only in his gesture of biting his lips

2017年12月31日 13時12分46秒 | Weblog


Jim Sciutto‏認証済みアカウント

フォローする @jimsciuttoをフォローします
After a year marked by sometimes gratuitous talk of nuclear war, Pope Francis is sharing this breathtaking image of Nagasaki atom bomb aftermath.

Motoko Rich(NYT) killed it and ignored her at first.

2017年12月31日 04時05分04秒 | Weblog


“Her Country Ignored Her.”か。







Listen to the poor excuse Khaldon Azhari had to make .

Ito reported her case to several media . Only Shincho, Japanese conservative news magazine , picked it up and reported it.

Even after Shincho published the article, Foreign correspondent club, of which Motoko Rich is a member, refused to hold a press conference at first, saying there was no court ruling.

As a side, when the rape victim was a white woman, FCCJ held a press conference.

Since Shincho reported it in April, Several Japanese media has been picking up Shiori's case.

I wonder why Motoko killed it when Shincho reported it in April and why it has taken so many months for Motoko to report it.






Elsewhere, her allegations might have caused an uproar. But here in Japan, they attracted only a smattering of attention.

Seriously ? Isn't it only recently that U.S. media has started picking up the topic and "# Me too" movement followed ?

TARANA BURKE: Right. And it makes sense to me, right? Because that’s how media works. I have been working with young people for more than 25 years.

ARANA BURKE: R. Kelly, yeah. No, it’s not a surprise, right? And I think that—you know, I say all the time, I’m never surprised at these allegations. For every R. Kelly or Bill Cosby or Harvey Weinstein, there’s, you know, the owner of the grocery store, the coach, the teacher, the neighbor, who are doing the same things. But we don’t pay attention until it’s a big name. And we don’t pay attention 'til it's a big celebrity. But this work is ongoing, because this is pervasive.

AMY GOODMAN: The New Yorker exposé is only there because the author went to NBC, Ronan Farrow, and he worked on it with them for months, and then they killed it, which is leading to, to say the least, enormous questions within NBC—what was their connections to Weinstein?—putting a lot of pressure on the president of NBC

TARANA BURKE: The reason why people didn’t know my name is because people don’t think about this unless there is something big happening.

Remember Ito Shiori was not a big name in Japan until this case was reported in a magazine.

I knew Motoko couldn't read Japanese newspaper but I didn't know she was not reading American media either, at least critically.

On paper, Japan boasts relatively low rates of sexual assault. In a survey conducted by the Cabinet Office of the central government in 2014, one in 15 women reported experiencing rape at some time in their lives, compared with one in five women who report having been raped in the United States.

But scholars say Japanese women are far less likely to describe nonconsensual sex as rape than women in the West.

Which scholars are saying this and on what grounds? And Which countries are on your mind when you use "the West"? Is fictional "The West" often glorified in New York Times?

Japan’s rape laws make no mention of consent,


Under current Swedish law someone can be prosecuted for rape only if it has been proved that they used threats or violence. Under the proposal, rape could be proved if the accuser hadn’t given their explicit verbal agreement or clearly demonstrate their desire to engage in sexual activity.

We need to revise the law.

But note in practice, the legal concept of consent is used to prosecute or defend cases of sexual assault in the Japanese courts.



(以上につき,前田雅英ほか編著『条解 刑法』〔弘文堂,平成14年〕460頁)


And the Japanese court often reject the accused’s defense of consent as unreasonable.

date rape is essentially a foreign concept

Is it?

Date rape

Date rape (also known as acquaintance rape) is a form of rape in which there is a potential romantic or sexual relationship between the two partners in the moment the sexual assault occurs. The perpetrator uses physical or psychological intimidation to force a victim to have sex against his or her will, or when the perpetrator has sex with a victim who is incapable of giving consent because they have been incapacitated by drugs or alcohol


(Quasi Forcible Indecency; Quasi Rape)
第百七十八条 人の心神喪失若しくは抗拒不能に乗じ、又は心神を喪失させ、若しくは抗拒不能にさせて、わいせつな行為をした者は、第百七十六条の例による。
Article 178 (1) A person who commits an indecent act upon a male or female by taking advantage of loss of consciousness or inability to resist, or by causing a loss of consciousness or inability to resist, shall be punished in the same manner as prescribed for in Article 176.
2 女子の心神喪失若しくは抗拒不能に乗じ、又は心神を喪失させ、若しくは抗拒不能にさせて、姦淫した者は、前条の例による。
(2) A person who commits sexual intercourse with a female by taking advantage of a loss of consciousness or inability to resist, or by causing a loss of consciousness or inability to resist, shall be punished in the same matter as prescribed in the preceding Article.


You commit the quasi rape when you have sexual intercourse typically while a woman is sleeping or is drunk or is put on the drug.

The law was enacted in 1907





> 恋人から性的被害を受けた場合、罪に問うことはできないのでしょうか?


> 別れ話の途中でレイプされました。


> 警察に相談したところ「恋人ならレイプにならない」と門前払いされました。


Is rape possible between lovers?---Sure it is possible.

Instead, rape is often depicted in manga comics and pornography as an extension of sexual gratification, in a culture in which such material is often an important channel of sex education.

Rape is depicted in "pornographic" comic. I am not sure how often.

Note these are not Japanese comics.

Manga I used to read as a boy or the regular comics people read rarely have depiction of rape.

Moreover ,Motoko might want to study porno hub or something like that to see how often American women are tortured, made to walk naked and fucked on the street.

Last month, prosecutors in Yokohama dropped a case against six university students accused of sexually assaulting another student after forcing her to drink alcohol.

Is Naming and Shaming Rapists the Only Way to Bring Them to Justice?
Lisa Pryor
Lisa Pryor AUG. 10, 2017

Very few rape cases are reported to the police and even fewer make it to court. Of those, only around 10 percent to 15 percent result in a conviction in countries including Australia, Britain and the United States.

Yep that's a big problem.

Of the women who reported experiencing rape in the Cabinet Office survey, more than two-thirds said they had never told anyone, not even a friend or family member. And barely 4 percent said they had gone to the police. By contrast, in the United States, about a third of rapes are reported to the police, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Do American scholars say journalists should believe what American government says ?

Her hesitation is typical. Many Japanese women who have been assaulted “blame themselves, saying, ‘Oh, it’s probably my fault,’” said Tamie Kaino, a professor emeritus of gender studies at Ochanomizu University.

Hisako Tanabe, a rape counselor at the Sexual Assault Relief Center in Tokyo, said that even women who call their hotline and are advised to go to the police often refuse, because they do not expect the police to believe them.

“They think they will be told they did something wrong,” she said.

Right but

Isn't it a global problem?

In 2016, the most recent year for which government statistics are available, the police confirmed 989 cases of rape in Japan, or about 1.5 cases for every 100,000 women. By comparison, there were 114,730 cases of rape in the United States, according to F.B.I. statistics, or about 41 cases per 100,000 residents, both male and female.

Scholars say the disparity is less about actual crime rates than a reflection of underreporting by victims and the attitudes of the police and prosecutors in Japan.

Which Scholars are saying this and on what grounds?


2017年12月31日 00時33分42秒 | Weblog










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2017年12月31日 00時06分06秒 | Weblog





