Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Defcon 2

2017年05月30日 20時22分50秒 | Weblog
デフコン(アメリカ英語: Defcon)とは、「Defense Readiness Condition」の略で、通常は戦争への準備態勢を5段階に分けたアメリカ国防総省の規定を指す

デフコン 5
デフコン 4
デフコン 3
デフコン 2
デフコン 1

Analysts fear the situation is a tinderbox that could be set off by a small spark.
"The real question now is somebody going to make a stupid mistake, because some kind of minor escalation could get out of hand," said Bruce Bennett, a senior defense analyst at the RAND Corporation.
"It's not so dangerous that I'm not going to go to (South) Korea in three weeks. But it is a dangerous situation that could get out of hand," said Bennett.
However, even if a strategic miscalculation happened tomorrow, many experts believe war isn't imminent.
If it was, the US armed forces would be placed on what is known as Defcon 2, according to Carl Schuster, a Hawaii Pacific University professor and former director of operations at the US Pacific Command's Joint Intelligence Center.
Schuster said such an announcement would be formal and public.

The US military would also step up training inside its borders and send a second aircraft carrier to East Asia -- and carriers don't move quickly.
US Pacific Command has said the USS Carl Vinson carrier strike group is expected to be off the Korean Peninsula by the end of April, but it has not announced any other carrier movement.







2017年05月30日 20時15分26秒 | Weblog






2017年05月30日 19時27分20秒 | Weblog




2017年05月30日 14時22分06秒 | Weblog

先日亡くなったブレジンスキー氏 PBSでのインタビュー





Anna Fifield is just picking up the interviewees who'll tell what she wants to hear.

2017年05月30日 14時01分51秒 | Weblog


By Anna Fifield May 28


The Japanese economy has been getting worse and worse,

Land of rising sun rises again: Japanese economy on the up
Japan's economy has long been in decline, but figures published today show that things are finally turning around for the nation
Thursday 18 May 2017


and that’s hurting poor people, especially single mothers,” said Yukiko Tokumaru, who runs Child Poverty Action Osaka, a nongovernmental organizational that helps families in need.


The judgment and stigma that single mothers face in many countries are taken to another level in Japan, a homogeneous society where those who do not conform often try to hide their situations — even from their friends and wider family.


How did you know they were worse than, for instance, U.S. ?

But Japan also has a culture that makes it difficult for women to work after having children — changing this is a key part of Abe’s solution to the country’s economic problems — and that makes life exponentially harder for single mothers.

How American women fell behind Japanese women in the workplace
By Danielle Paquette October 7, 2015

So, what happened?

Economists don't know for sure. The culprit could be a combination of changing attitudes toward mothers at work in Japan and relatively limited support for mothers at work in the United States.

Is Anna Fifield not reading Wapo?

Can't she read articles even in English?

“We have this culture of shame,” Tokumaru said.

Stereotypical explanation of things Japanese. It is like saying "this happens because Americans are cowboys"

Now 16 percent of Japanese children live below the poverty line, according to Health Ministry statistics, but among single-parent families, the rate hits 55 percent. Poverty rates in Osaka are among the worst.

1 in 5 US children live below poverty line, more than during Great Recession – report
Published time: 21 Jul, 2015 19:21

Nearly Half of American Children Living Near Poverty Line

[PDF]us children in single-mother families - Population Reference Bureau

Seven in 10 children living with a single mother are
poor or low income, compared to less than a third (32 percent)
of children living in other types of families

For younger children ages 0 to 8, results are even more striking.
In 2008, over three-quarters (77 percent) of young children

“If parents are working poor, their children are poor as well, and the cycle of poverty is handed down to the next generation,” Tomuro said.

True, but compare

The falling birthrate means that the population, currently 127 million, is set to drop below 100 million by 2060, and one-third of Japanese will be older than 65.

True, but compare

Some women are so embarrassed about a relationship breaking up that they don’t tell their friends, or even their parents, said Junko Terauchi, head of the Osaka Social Welfare Promotional Council, a nongovernmental group helping single mothers with advice and emergency food packages

Other Japanese women brag about divorcing; "I am finally liberated from the son of bitch"

“Single moms in poverty try really hard not to look poor,” she said, describing how they buy makeup and nail polish at the Japanese equivalent of a dollar store so they can keep up appearances.  ”

But who wants to look poor?

Children of single or poor parents often are ostracized in their communities, Tokumaru said, noting that other parents do not want their children playing with children from a “bad house.”


母子家庭 いじめ

There might be cases where children of single or poor parents are bullied but you can't say that that is often the case.

Note also that children of single mom often suffer from stereotypes in the United States.

The Single Mother Battle on Stereotypes
Posted on September 14, 2012 by Ending Violence | Filed Under: Battered Women's Support Services
by Marissa Hicks

“Single moms are the least likely women to get remarried.”

-“Children in single-parent families always have deficits, do poorly in school and suffer emotionally and behaviorally.”

-“Single-parent families are “broken homes.”

-“Children from single-parent families have lower self-esteem.”

-“Children raised by single moms actually resent and hate their mothers”

-“Single mothers are unable to give their sons the upbringing that they need and once they have to face the world, they prove to be failures since they lacked a man living at home.

-“A Child Needs a Father”. (The truth here is that a child needs family with a healthy relationship)

-“Youth raised by a single mom are at higher risk for substance abuse.”

-“Children are at greater risk of physical abuse in single mother households than in single father households.”

-“High Youth Crime Rates are a direct result of not having a father at home.”

-“Children fare worse in single parent homes.”

-“Single moms are lonely and have a hard time finding a mate.”

-“A child is better off raised by an unrelated married couple than by her own parents if her mother is single at the time she is born.”


10 Ways the Children of Single Parents Defy All Stereotypes
In some ways, they do even better than the children of married parents
Posted Jul 15, 2015

Anna Fifield is just picking up the interviewees who'll tell what she wants to hear.



2017年05月30日 12時55分39秒 | Weblog



N.Korea threatens to destroy civilian populations in Japanese cities

2017年05月30日 12時42分56秒 | Weblog

Japanese Authorities Warned of Inciting Pressure and Sanctions against DPRK: Spokesman for Its FM

Pyongyang, May 30 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry released the following statement on Monday:

The DPRK's measures for bolstering nuclear force are the legitimate exercise of the right to self-defence by a sovereign state to put an end to the escalating moves of the U.S. for a nuclear war and firmly guarantee peace and stability on the Korean peninsula and in the region.

But, Japan is branding the DPRK's measures for self-defence as "threat" and "provocation".

As already declared, the DPRK will make more highly precision and diversified nukes and nuclear striking means till the U.S. and its vassal forces come to their senses and make a proper choice.

Only the U.S. military objects for aggression in Japan have been within the optical sight of the Strategic Force of the Korean People's Army, but if Japan is hostile toward the DPRK following the U.S., not properly seeing the reality, the target of the DPRK will be changed. -0- 

安倍首相太鼓持ち記者は不起訴 もみ消し部長は重用?

2017年05月30日 11時59分34秒 | Weblog


 ▼15年4月3日 山口氏と面会する。

 ▼同午後8時過ぎ 串焼き店に入店。

 ▼同午後9時40分ごろ すし店に入店。

 ▼4月4日午前5時ごろ 痛みで目覚め、レイプされていることに気づく。記憶はすし店の途中から欠落。

 ▼4月9日 警視庁原宿署に相談。2日後高輪署捜査員と面会。

 ▼4月15日 捜査員とシェラトン都ホテルで防犯カメラの映像を一緒に見る。

 ▼4月30日 高輪署で告訴状受理。

 ▼6月初め 証拠がそろい、逮捕状が発行される。

 ▼6月4日 山口氏が日本に帰国するタイミングで成田空港で逮捕するという連絡が入り、ドイツからの帰国を要請される。

 ▼6月8日 捜査員から、「空港までは行ったが上からの指示で逮捕できなかった」と連絡が入る。

 ▼8月26日 書類送検。

 ▼10月 詩織さんが担当検事と面会。

 ▼16年1月 山口氏が担当検事と面会。

 ▼6月 詩織さんが担当検事と2度目の面会。

 ▼7月22日 不起訴処分。

One must show that you won't make small concessions, even symbolic ones

2017年05月30日 10時50分25秒 | Weblog


French President Emmanuel Macron says his now famous white-knuckle handshake showdown with Donald Trump was “a moment of truth” — designed to show that he's no pushover.

Mr Macron told Le Journal du Dimanche, a Sunday newspaper in France: “my handshake with him, it wasn't innocent.”

The new French leader added: “One must show that you won't make small concessions, even symbolic ones, but also not over-publicise things, either.”











Is China helping N.Korea to guide Its Missiles?

2017年05月30日 10時46分07秒 | Weblog
2014-08-06 08:45

While information on military programs in the North is difficult to verify, reports going back to 2014 show that North Korean engineers were in China for technology training on how the country’s satellite navigation system — known as Beidou or Compass — worked.

Later the same year, another news report cited a Chinese military expert as saying China cannot stop North Korea from using Beidou in military operations.

Beside Beidou, the other main satellite navigation options for North Korea are the Global Positioning System of the United States and the Russian system known as Glonass.

“While I would never exclude the possibility of Glonass applications for N Korea’s rocket and missile systems, Beidou looks like a more reasonable solution for N Korea,” said Yu Koizumi, a research fellow at Japan’s Institute for Future Engineering, in an email.

China has always been a willing endorser of a well-armed North Korea and seldom if ever criticizes Pyongyang’s efforts to expand and enhance its arsenal of conventional weapons.

Right now, though, the US needs to focus on the scope of Beidou’s role in North Korea’s missile program and initiate a discussion about it with Beijing.

Perhaps the question of Beidou and its role in guiding North Korea’s growing fleet of drones should be on the agenda, too.




2017年05月30日 09時17分13秒 | Weblog




