Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Chaos,schizophrenia and paranoia

2017年05月20日 02時03分11秒 | Weblog





CIA Director discussed insurrection against Kim Jong Un

2017年05月20日 01時36分17秒 | Weblog
太永浩 - Wikipedia

Thae responded that he believed conditions within North Korea were conducive to such an insurrection.

North Korea remains a totalitarian police state that has been accused of engaging in crimes against humanity by a United Nations commission that investigated rights abuses by the regime.

"Because of Kim's weaker hold on power than his predecessors, and the powerful internal security services, it is most likely that any insurrection is going to come from members of the elite—not from the bottom up," he said.

"Additionally, he recently threatened pre-emptive nuclear strikes against the United States and other countries in the region," Brook said. 

DPRK has the ability to place a nuclear warhead on a missile that can reach Japan

2017年05月20日 01時03分58秒 | Weblog




(It’s unclear whether North Korea has the ability to place a nuclear warhead on a missile that can reach Japan or South Korea, but many experts suspect they do.)

American officials say the North already knows how to shrink those weapons so they can fit atop one of its short- to medium-range missiles — putting South Korea and Japan, and the thousands of American troops deployed in those two nations, within range. The best estimates are that North Korea has roughly 1,000 ballistic missiles in eight or so varieties.

But fulfilling Mr. Kim’s dream — putting a nuclear weapon atop an intercontinental ballistic missile that can reach Seattle or Los Angeles, or one day New York — remains a more complex problem.



Public sentiment is above the law in South Korea

2017年05月20日 00時51分21秒 | Weblog
Kazuto Suzuki‏


South Koreans to Americans: We’ll teach you how to impeach a president

By Anna Fifield and Yoonjung Seo May 19 at 5:17 AM

因みに、記者は、あのAnna Fifield

H.S. Kim‏

在韓英国人コラムニストMichael Breenの良記事 http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/opinion/2017/05/170_229391.html … 「韓国人の多くは文在寅を救世主として迎えているが、5年後には全ての失敗が彼の責任とされるだろう。韓国国民は失敗の原因が自分達にあるのを認めないから同じ事が何度も繰り返される」

A new twist is that he might not even make it to the end, because we have in Korea discovered a new weapon ― impeachment. Normally, a leader is impeached for treason, gross corruption or some such crime. In Korea, though, the risk after the Park Geun-hye case is that it will be used as a way to unseat someone for the crime of no longer enjoying full popular support.

