Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

As time goes on, it will increase the risk of a nuclear war

2017年05月24日 22時40分41秒 | Weblog
WEDGE Infinity2017年05月23日 15:33北朝鮮の核弾頭搭載ICBMの開発は、全面戦争以外に阻止できない - 岡崎研究所

The United States’ relative strength is also, paradoxically, a weakness. North Korea knows that it would quickly succumb to a full American attack, making its only option to escalate to nuclear strikes almost immediately at the start of a conflict.

If North Korea remains bent on acquiring a nuclear-capable intercontinental ballistic missile, then no obvious action short of all-out war could completely derail this drive

“They want to see the end of that alliance,” said Joshua H. Pollack, the editor of the Nonproliferation Review, suggesting that North Korea has drawn inspiration from the way that the United States broke with Taiwan in order to normalize relations with China in the 1970s.

Any partial or full American withdrawal would risk sending the American relationship with South Korea and Japan into crisis, empowering North Korea and weakening American influence in Asia.

As time goes on, analysts say, the risks only grow.

“If the current action-reaction cycle continues,” Daryl G. Kimball, the executive director of the Arms Control Association, wrote in a recent policy brief, “it will not only diminish the prospect of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, but it will increase the risk of a devastating nuclear war.”

John R. Bolton, the Bush administration’s ambassador to the United Nations, told Fox News this week that the only “way to end North Korea’s nuclear weapons program is to end North Korea” by bringing about the government’s total collapse.

Mr. Pollack, asked if he agreed, at first dismissed Mr. Bolton as a “hard-liner,” saying a war would risk nuclear devastation, but then he acknowledged that the assessment of North Korea’s determination was probably correct.

“They’re not gonna give this stuff up,” Mr. Pollack said.







2017年05月24日 20時43分40秒 | Weblog

via mozu

Higher growth rates would require either employment or labour productivity or both to increase faster, and the “normalisers” are sceptical about both

Breaking down the employment rate by gender (see the chart below) shows that the performance of the past few years is due to Japan’s unprecedented success at bringing women into the workforce, which is exactly what the government has been trying to achieve.

As my colleague Sarah O’Connor has emphasised, well-tailored labour market policies, such as family leave requirements, can make a big difference in female labour market participation. That is what has changed in Japan, and the results are obvious. (Women are now markedly more likely to work in Japan than in the US.)



North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is a “madman.”

2017年05月24日 20時25分40秒 | Weblog






2017年05月24日 20時22分09秒 | Weblog





2017年05月24日 17時28分49秒 | Weblog



日本政府ー日本軍 韓国政府ー米軍、韓国軍、ドイツ軍による戦時性奴隷についてはある程度研究も進んでいる。







2017年05月24日 17時24分33秒 | Weblog



Imbecile or just a joke Brits are supposed to laugh off?

2017年05月24日 02時13分52秒 | Weblog


He wrote: “MULTIPLE CONFIRMED Fatalities at Manchester Arena. The last time I listened to Ariana Grande I almost died too.”




2017年05月24日 02時07分14秒 | Weblog





Some reporters call Jake Adelstein a liar

2017年05月24日 00時38分51秒 | Weblog

some reporters told me that he[Jake Adelstein] was a liar


But as a matter of fact, the grandson of a war criminal

His grandfather was not a war criminal; Kishi was held at Sugamo Prison as a "Class A" war crimes suspect

Mein Kampf recently was approved for Japanese classrooms



"Mein Kampf" cannot be used in the classroom if it is used to promote racism but it can be used, for instance, to let students study the historical background of the times when the book was written.. The point is you can use the book unless you don't violate the Fundamental Law of Education.

the suggestively titled Hitler’s Election Strategy is popular with some members of the Abe Cabinet.

A spokesman for Takaichi’s office confirmed on Wednesday afternoon that the photo was of her, but said she had no recollection of the book or of promoting it. The spokesman added that neither does she remember meeting the book’s author, Yoshio Ogai, then a public relations official with the Tokyo chapter of the Liberal Democratic Party. 

Ominously, Abe announced on May 3 plans to dismantle Japan’s postwar democratic constitution and replace it with one that owes a debt to the Nazis’ revision of the German constitution in the 1930s,

Although Abe was explicit in stating that he would keep the existing two clauses (which refer to Japan’s renunciation of war as a means to solve international conflict and its possession of armed forces), he announced that he would seek to add a third clause that would unambiguously legitimize the constitutional status of the Japan Self-Defense Force (JSDF). In addition, Abe also stated that the freedom of education will be prioritized. In terms of the timeline, he indicated his desire to put the revised Constitution into force by the 2020 Tokyo Olympic games.

On Monday, the Abe administration responded with a very public and not very polite missive which, when translated with an understanding of the subtleties of Japanese language and culture, amounts to, “Fuck off.” Just like the Nazis of days past, Japan’s rulers don’t deal well with criticism.

東京 22日 ロイター] - 菅義偉官房長官は22日午前の会見で、人権状況などを調査・監視する国連特別報告者が「共謀罪」の趣旨を盛り込んだ組織犯罪処罰法改正案はプライバシーや表現の自由を制約するおそれがあるとの書簡を安倍晋三首相に送ったことについて、「不適切なものであり、強く抗議を行っている」と述べた。


The content of the May 18 letter from Cannataci was "clearly inappropriate and we strongly protested," Suga said.

"It is not at all the case that the legislation would be implemented arbitrarily so as to inappropriately restrict the right to privacy and freedom of speech," he added.

In the summer of 2013, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Taro Aso, famous for his verbal gaffes declared in a speech to his political supporters, “Germany’s Weimar Constitution was changed into the Nazi Constitution before anyone knew. It was changed before anyone else noticed. Why don’t we learn from that method?




(朝日新聞デジタル「麻生氏、ナチス発言を撤回 「改憲の悪しき例上げた」」2013/08/01 11:47)

"I pointed to the changes to the Weimar constitution made under the Nazi regime as a bad example of changes made without a substantial debate or understanding by the citizens," Aso told reporters.

"I invited misunderstanding as a result and I would like to withdraw the statement in which I cited the Nazi regime as an example," he said.

Cabinet ministers this year also announced support for reintroducing the kamikaze-inspiring Imperial Rescript on Education back into the classroom.



Inada says that the core values in Imperial Rescript on Education are respecting parents, maintaining good relationship between a husband and a wife, caring for friends, and aiming to build a just society every people all over the world respect.

The chief of education Bureau says that it is not wrong to teach the virtues in Imperial Rescript on Education that still hold today at school.


I am not a fan of Abe cabinet at all but please check the facts when you read the articles by Jake Adelstein


2017年05月24日 00時00分54秒 | Weblog







