Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2014年02月24日 22時14分47秒 | Weblog
阿比留 瑠比










2014年02月24日 22時06分43秒 | Weblog
「河野談話」見直し6割が賛成 産経・FNN合同世論調査 集団的自衛権の行使容認47%
2014.2.24 13:05





“PRC scum,” “foreign trash,” Filipino “cockroaches”

2014年02月24日 18時29分48秒 | Weblog

“Singapore is very racist even towards its own minorities, but this is mostly accepted by the minorities as the cost of living in a society that is safe and prosperous, and which they can genuinely call home,” says Dr. Barr, senior lecturer in international relations and the author of a forthcoming book on Singapore’s leadership.

He argues that after independence in 1963, the government of former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew tried to break down the rigid racial divides inherited from the British, and to create a genuinely multiracial society.

But from the late 1970s it changed course, pushing instead to create a “Chinese” society with Indian and Malay minorities. From then on, race became “the major social identifier for Singaporeans,” and racism “a natural consequence of living in a society where racial stereotypes are encouraged and indulged by the government.”

Last year, a government policy paper called for the population to increase a further 30 percent by 2030, to 6.9 million, at which time immigrants would account for nearly half of the island’s population. Thousands of people attended two rare protests against the white paper, holding signs with slogans such as “Singapore for Singaporeans.”

“If we had a minimum wage and greater protections for our workers then there would be less objection to foreigners. Instead of that, we have senile old men like LKY [Lee Kuan Yew] talking about the need for more Darwinian competition and how admitting more foreigners acts as a spur in the sides of Singaporeans … The reaction to Anton Casey shows that Singaporeans increasingly see themselves as patsies who are being exploited by not very well educated or particularly talented foreigners. Resentment extends to foreigners at all levels and regardless of race, except perhaps for those doing the dirty and dangerous jobs for less than S$20 per day.”

There is anecdotal evidence that the increasing hostility is driving some foreigners away. This writer experienced unpleasant racism in the workplace during the three years he spent working at a major media company in Singapore, and several fellow expats have cited it as a reason for leaving the country.

One Briton said he did not want his son growing up in such a poisonous atmosphere, a German friend compares Singapore with Nazi Germany, and a Dutch friend was driven to leave after a woman in a supermarket told his pregnant Thai wife to abort their “whore child” because it “would not be welcome in Singapore.”

The Dutchman, a 37-year-old who works in IT and relocated to Bangkok last year, said he was also set upon on three separate occasions by local youths shouting racial slurs and things like “go home to your own country” and other unpleasant epithets. Each time, he said, police refused to investigate, saying he must have been involved in a drunken altercation and should leave it at that.

Yet the worst abuse is usually reserved for low-paid construction and service sector workers from China, India, Bangladesh and the Philippines. Mainland Chinese are known as “PRCs” ― from the People’s Republic of China ― and are often ridiculed for their poor English and perceived lack of social graces by the ethnic Chinese who make up around 75 percent of Singaporeans. Chinese bus drivers who staged an illegal strike in 2012 cited this discrimination as one of the reasons for their unhappiness.

Online forums are full of vicious comments about “PRC scum,” “foreign trash,” Filipino “cockroaches” and so on. An event held by Singaporeans in Sydney to celebrate the city-state’s national day last year attracted attention when locals and other foreigners were apparently refused entry. Summing up the siege mentality of many Singaporeans, one of the attendees wrote on a local blog afterwards that: “Everyone of us were on the same page. There were no PRCs, India Indians, Bangla or Pinoys [Filipinos] to annoy us.”

“My concern is that apart from stresses on infrastructure, we have two-fifths of the population who have not been at all assimilated into Singapore society and who are becoming both victims of and perpetrators of prejudicial attitudes and reactions,” says Dr Barr.

Almost none have any loyalty to Singapore, many don’t speak English. Many don’t speak any of Singapore’s four official languages. Most are living in dormitory ghettos and are being exploited shamelessly. And they stand out. Even the PRC Chinese stand out from the Singapore and Malaysian Chinese. It is just human nature to both blame and fear the ‘other.’”




"Kano" depicts the multiracial baseball team under Japanese rule

2014年02月24日 17時43分02秒 | Weblog

Kano (film)

Kano is a 2014 Taiwanese baseball film directed by Umin Boya and executive produced by Wei Te-Sheng. The film depicts the multiracial Kano baseball team from southern Taiwan overcoming extreme odds to represent the island in the 1931 Japanese High School Baseball Championship at Koshien Stadium, when Taiwan was still under Japanese rule. Performing beyond all expectations, the underdog team advanced to the championship game in the tournament.


2014年02月24日 15時02分38秒 | Weblog












A woman was dragged to a police car after arrested for failing to provide ID

2014年02月24日 14時10分25秒 | Weblog

A Texas woman was dragged screaming to a police car in Austin, Texas after being arrested for failing to provide ID while jaywalking.

The woman, pulled to a police car in gym clothes, was captured on video shouting, “I didn’t do anything wrong.”

A University of Texas Student filmed the police capturing the jogger and placing her in an officer’s car.   

Now, Austin’s chief of police has weighed in, telling the public they should be glad his officers aren’t treating people even worse.

“This person absolutely took something that was as simple as ‘Austin Police – Stop!’ and decided to do everything you see on that video,” Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo said at a press conference Friday, according to Austin NPR station 90.5 KUT. “And quite frankly she wasn’t charged with resisting. She’s lucky I wasn’t the arresting officer, because I wouldn’t have been as generous. … In other cities there’s cops who are actually committing sexual assaults on duty, so I thank God that this is what passes for a controversy in Austin, Texas,” Acevedo said.



(ID 職務質問 レイシャルプロファイリング、 police brutality)

'We refuse to serve you, you're gay'

2014年02月24日 11時58分23秒 | Weblog
'We refuse to serve you, you're gay'
Saturday 22 February 2014

The state of Arizona has passed a controversial bill that would allow business owners to refuse service to gay and lesbian customers on religious grounds.

Hundreds joined rallies and protests in the cities of Phoenix and Tucson on Friday, a day after the bill was approved.

The bill, which the state House of Representatives passed by a 33-27 vote Thursday, will now go to Republican Governor Jan Brewer. She is expected to make a decision as to whether she will sign the bill next week.


More than 60 percent of all Indian victims report their attacker as being white.

2014年02月24日 10時43分21秒 | Weblog
Prosecuting non-Native Americans
by Jenni Monet @jennimonet February 22, 2014 8:00PM ET
Three Western tribes begin pilot programs to try to stem tide of sexual violence from perpetrators off the reservation

Deborah Parker said it happened one night not far from the reservation.

A white man coaxed a Tulalip Indian woman into his vehicle. He drove until he thought he had entered tribal land. And then he beat her. He raped her. He left her for dead. While he assaulted her, the victim later told Parker how he blustered about how he’d get away with his crimes. He knew tribal police couldn’t legally arrest him, she said. And so he drove away thinking he was a free man.

For more than three decades, the Tulalip, along with other tribes, had lost the legal authority to try non-Natives accused of committing major crimes on tribal lands. In 1978, the Supreme Court denied tribal courts the inherent right to prosecute any non-Indian living or working on the reservation.

Recent statistics show one in three Native American women will be raped or violently assaulted in their lifetime. And the most recent data on record indicates more than 60 percent of all Indian victims report their attacker as being white.

Yet, when it comes to responding to these kinds of violent crimes from Indian Country ― offenses that tribal courts have been prevented from legally prosecuting ―federal agencies have reportedly declined to investigate more than half.

これは、ひどい! アメリカンインディアンの特別保留地では、先住民が非先住民を裁判する権利がなく、連邦もしっかり捜査しないから、白人がやってきて、先住民の女性を強姦してもお咎め無し、と。

