Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Can the New York Times’ foreign coverage be trusted at all?

2014年01月17日 17時11分09秒 | Weblog
THURSDAY, JAN 16, 2014 09:45 PM +0900
Misinformation, disinformation, lies: Can the New York Times’ foreign coverage be trusted at all?
The Times walks back a story about Syria and chemical weapons, a reminder of the media's complicity with power




China’s propaganda campaign against Japan

2014年01月17日 15時18分24秒 | Weblog
China’s propaganda campaign against Japan
By Kenichiro Sasae, Friday, January 17, 10:40 AM




(2014年1月17日13時31分 読売新聞)



2014年01月17日 14時25分26秒 | Weblog





(2014年1月17日 読売新聞)


Memphis teacher allegedly locked 5-year-old in closet as punishment, then went home sick

By Travis Gettys
Thursday, January 16, 2014 9:15 EST

Frightened 5-year-old girl is locked in the closet as punishment for 1 HOUR after her teacher 'put her there then left school without telling anyone where the girl was'
5-year-old Akeelah Joseph was locked in the closet as punishment because she was 'playing too much'
Children at the school say that this is not the first time that their teacher Kristin Ohsfeldt, has locked a child in the closet
'I almost peed on myself if I didn’t make it the bathroom,' said Akeelah who was found trembling in the closet an hour later by a substitute teacher
Ohsfeldt has been suspended but no charges have been filed
Akeelah is asthmatic and potentially could have had a life threatening asthma attack in the closet where no one would have been able to save her
PUBLISHED: 04:39 GMT, 16 January 2014 | UPDATED: 19:32 GMT, 16 January 2014

 教師、5歳児幼児押入れ 放置 →停職→いまのところ不起訴


2014年01月17日 13時46分12秒 | Weblog
日本でも、年々増え続ける国際結婚。「やまとなでしこ」に憧れて日本人女性と結婚したものの、やはり文化の違いで悩みを持つ夫も多いようです。まぁ、そのような悩みを抱えながらも、いつまでも仲の良い夫婦でいてもらいたいものですね。 更新日: 2013年04月17日

Foreign men sound off on the difficulties of having a Japanese wife


2014年01月17日 11時36分55秒 | Weblog

6 Weirdest Things People Say When You Tell Them You Don't Want Kids
I'm not a heartless, selfish, baby-hating bon vivant. But you'd think so based on the questions I get!





子どものいない方が夫婦は幸せ? 米英で調査
2014.01.15 Wed posted at 16:26 JST



Enemies list

2014年01月17日 11時33分43秒 | Weblog
Politico exec’s book claims Hillary Clinton has a bona fide ‘enemies list.’ And you can, too

By Ken Livingstone, The Guardian
Wednesday, January 15, 2014 3:46 EST


Only they are allowed to point out what's wrong with their country!

2014年01月17日 01時19分44秒 | Weblog
Ten things Italians find odd about the Americans

Ten things Italians find odd about the Americans
Published: 15 Jan 2014 09:35 GMT+01:00
Updated: 15 Jan 2014 09:35 GMT+01:00

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Many foreigners experience culture shock when moving to a new country - what you might not realize is that it works both ways. The Local's list reveals the top ten things Italians don't understand about Americans.

1) DRESS SENSE – Italians can spot a foreigner a mile off, and are quick to complain about 'half-naked' tourists during the summer months. Typical American tourist attire such as socks and sandals, crocs, baseball caps and khaki shorts may raise a few Italian eyebrows.

2) NOISE – It may seem a bit rich coming from Italians, but one of the most common complaints we heard was that Americans were too loud.

3) SUPERSTITIONS – While Italians have a few old wives' tales of their own, the American obsession with the 'unlucky' number 13 baffles them. In Italy, 13 is actually considered lucky, so hotels or aeroplanes which avoid having a 13th floor or row just seem confusing.

4) ITALIAN 'HERITAGE' – Several Italians we spoke to were perplexed by the American tendency to claim Italian heritage, often tracing back many generations to do so

5) AMERICAN TAKE ON ITALIAN FOOD – Perhaps the most sensitive issue on this list, Italians don't understand what Americans have done to their cuisine. Pasta with chicken, Caesar salad and pepperoni pizza may be commonplace at 'Italian' restaurants in the US, but are nowhere to be seen on traditional Italian menus.

6) DINNER TIME – It's not just what Americans eat that bothers Italians – they're also bewildered by when you eat it. Expect looks of incredulity if you insist on eating at an American-friendly time of 6.00pm or 7.00pm – here, the evening meal doesn't start until a few hours later. On the bright side, you might find you get a usually-crowded restaurant to yourself.

7) COFFEE – You'll be hard-pressed to find a coffee chain in Italy, and coffee to-go is unheard of. Italians prefer a simple espresso, and no amount Starbucks frappuccinos can compare.

8) COLLEGE LIFESTYLE – When Italians start university, they typically don't move far from their hometowns, and often continue living with their parents. As a result, they don't understand American fraternity and sorority culture, and get particularly annoyed by drunk American students on their year abroad in Italy.

9) COMPARISONS WITH AMERICA – While Italians have a reputation for being welcoming, they are likely to expect you to adapt to them, rather than the other way round. If you start complaining about the Italian lifestyle and claim things were better back home, don't expect sympathy from the locals – only they are allowed to point out what's wrong with their country!

10) AMERICAN OBSESSION WITH ITALY – On the other hand, many Americans studying Italian or choosing to move to Italy will have encountered more than one confused local whose only reaction is, “but why?” With more young Italians than ever hoping to emigrate, they often fail to understand American enthusiasm for their country, its culture and history.