Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2014年01月09日 21時31分06秒 | Weblog
官庁エコノミスト2014年01月08日 22:07UNICEF のリポートに見る日本の子供の幸福度は世代間不平等の犠牲か!

Using national data sources from Japan and matching them carefully with the data used in the original Report Card 11, this report manages to include Japan in the league table and subsequent ranking in each of five dimensions in order to assess Japan's performance in child well-being among developed countries. Maintaining as much as possible the original framework of the RC11, the analysis is based on indicators that are strictly comparable between Japan and the other countries.

上に引用した Description の中に "five dimensions" というのがありますが、以下の通りです。なお、最後のカッコ内の数字は先進31か国の中の日本のランクです。

Dimension 1 Material well-being (21)
Dimension 2 Health and safety (16)
Dimension 3 Education (1)
Dimension 4 Behaviours and risks (1)
Dimension 5 Housing and environment (10)




2014年01月09日 21時21分44秒 | Weblog

Chinese diplomat in Spain Huang Yazhong has written a letter to the chairman of Telecinco demanding an explanation for a sketch which mocks the quality and service of Chinese restaurants.

"In the show titled Mesa para Dos (Table for Two), a clown wearing strange 'Chinese clothes' jumped up and down, making all sorts of exaggerated gestures," he wrote in the letter published on the Chinese embassy's website.

"What's more, the other actors openly insulted Chinese people using words so vulgar it would make any educated person blush."

One of the comments Huang refers to in his letter to Telecinco is “este Chino es gilipollas”, which translates to 'This Chinese guy is a moron'.

Numerous Chinese news channels, newspapers and social media websites have given coverage to the story, including China's main state-run broadcaster CCTV.

Telecinco already angered China in 2013 when they aired an ‘investigative journalism’ show which accused Chinese restaurants of serving cat, dog and even human meat.

中国人を馬鹿にするコメディーに中国大使館が抗議 ---スペイン。

以前、ミツコ つり上がった目で見た世界 というハンガリーの番組に、日本大使館が抗議していたことがあった。


Help us pay 4 Moms funeral 貧困をみつめる視線

2014年01月09日 19時54分59秒 | Weblog





The Specialization Myth

2014年01月09日 15時17分20秒 | Weblog
DEC 30, 2013 10
The Specialization Myth

CAMBRIDGE – Some ideas are intuitive. Others sound so obvious after they are expressed that it is hard to deny their truth. They are powerful, because they have many nonobvious implications. They put one in a different frame of mind when looking at the world and deciding how to act on it.
CommentsView/Create comment on this paragraphOne such idea is the notion that cities, regions, and countries should specialize. Because they cannot be good at everything, they must concentrate on what they are best at – that is, on their comparative advantage. They should make a few things very well and exchange them for other goods that are made better elsewhere, thus exploiting the gains from trade.

What is true at the level of cities is even more applicable at the level of states and countries. The Netherlands, Chile, and Cameroon have a similar population size, but the Netherlands is twice as rich as Chile, which is 10 times richer than Cameroon. Looking at their exports shows that the Netherlands is three times more diversified than Chile, which is three times more diversified than Cameroon.
CommentsView/Create comment on this paragraphAs my colleagues and I recently argued, one way to understand this is to think of industries as stitching together complementary bits of knowhow, just as words are made by putting together letters. With a greater diversity of letters, the variety of words that can be made increases, as does their length. Likewise, the more bits of knowhow that are available, the more industries can be supported and the greater their complexity can be.



2014年01月09日 15時03分06秒 | Weblog
>ADHD doesn't exist': Neurologist claims condition is masking less serious problems and causing needless use of addictive drugs
Neurologist Dr Richard Saul claims ADHD is just a collection of symptoms
Patients he saw were, he claims, misdiagnosed with ADHD when they had issues such as poor sight, lack of sleep and a feeling of 'life getting to them'
3-7 per cent of children, or 400,000, are believed to have ADHD in the UK
Prescriptions for drugs to treat ADHD in the UK have increased twofold
PUBLISHED: 15:11 GMT, 6 January 2014 | UPDATED: 09:46 GMT, 7 January 2014


Dear middle class: Welcome to poverty ようこそ貧困へ、中流階級のみなさん。

2014年01月09日 14時31分53秒 | Weblog
WEDNESDAY, JAN 8, 2014 10:52 PM +0900
Dear middle class: Welcome to poverty
With income inequality surging, the middle class is disappearing into the chasm



Not only is the climb to middle-class stability increasingly steep, the fall into poverty is more likely. The Great Recession brought home an ugly reality: nowadays it only takes one pink slip, foreclosure notice or catastrophic medical bill to push economically secure people into the ranks of the poor ― even people with college diplomas and impressive resumes.


Energized by Ronald Reagan’s famous declaration that government is the problem, not the solution, conservatives in recent decades have sought to reduce the government’s vital role in creating opportunity and keeping hard-pressed Americans afloat. Simultaneously, they have unleashed the wild horses of deregulated capitalism, which have trampled working people. Labor unions have been crushed, wages have declined, safety nets have frayed, medical expenses have risen, and millions of Americans are now teetering on the edge of poverty.





Poverty For All?

New research shows that four out of five U.S. adults will struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives. What’s especially interesting is that the face of poverty is changing. You are still more likely to be poor if you are black or brown, but census data show that race disparities in the poverty rate have significantly narrowed since the 1970s. By the time they turn 60, a whopping 76 percent of whites will experience economic insecurity, defined as a year or more of periodic joblessness, reliance on government assistance like food stamps or income below 150 percent of the poverty line.

You read that correctly. Three out of four white people will get a chance to know economic panic before they reach retirement age


There are a few signs that the message is getting across. For example, increasing the minimum wage has growing support. But a great deal more is required if we want to avoid a giant ― and wholly unnecessary ― social experiment in poverty creation. Here are a few suggestions for a new anti-poverty agenda:

Make the rich pay their fair share by ending unfair tax breaks.
Expand Social Security, as Sen. Elizabeth Warren and others have demanded.
Protect people from going hopelessly into debt through medical expenses . Obamacare has failed to put a tight lid on potential total medical costs. Eventually, we must join the civilized world with single payer healthcare.
Increase state-supported education. It’s absurd that people have to go into debt just to pay for their educations.
Strengthen regulation so irresponsible companies do not rob ordinary Americans.
Restore the rights of workers, like collective bargaining and protection from wage theft.
Understand that austerity policies do not work, and only exacerbate economic woes.
Aggressively attack unemployment and remember the lesson learned in the Great Depression: when the private sector can’t come up with jobs, the government must fill the breach.
Protect the reproductive rights of women.
Protect civil rights, such as access to voting, in places where such rights are under attack.





2014年01月09日 14時24分48秒 | Weblog

A new report by the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research has shed some light on how Muslim women should cover up. Looking at surveys from seven predominately Muslim countries the researchers found that most respondents thought women should bare their faces, but cover their hair -- completely. - See more at: http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2014/01/08/survey_says_muslim_women_should_cover_their_hair_but_not_their_faces#sthash.xh9BTjK1.84ZOvQ0t.dpuf




Nearly Half Of Black Males, 40 Percent Of White Males Are Arrested By Age 23

2014年01月09日 14時20分15秒 | Weblog
Nearly Half Of Black Males, 40 Percent Of White Males Are Arrested By Age 23: Study

By Simon McCormack
Posted: 01/06/2014 12:50 pm EST | Updated: 01/06/2014 1:10 pm EST

A large number of American men have already been arrested by the time they're in their early 20s, according to a new report.

The study, published on Monday in the journal Crime & Delinquency, found that nearly half (49 percent) of African-American men and 40 percent of white men have been arrested by the age of 23, "which can hurt their ability to find work, go to school and participate fully in their communities," according to a press release.

The research was based on an analysis of national survey data from 1997 to 2008 of teenagers and young adults. The arrests included minor crimes like truancy as well as serious violent crimes. It excluded traffic offenses.

The study also found:

By age 18, 30 percent of black males, 26 percent of Hispanic males and 22 percent of white males have been arrested.
By age 23, 49 percent of black males, 44 percent of Hispanic males and 38 percent of white males have been arrested.

While the prevalence of arrest increased for females from age 18 to 23, the variation between races was slight. At age 18, arrest rates were 12 percent for white females and 11.8 percent and 11.9 percent for Hispanic and black females, respectively. By age 23, arrest rates were 20 percent for white females and 18 percent and 16 percent for Hispanic and black females, respectively.

"A problem is that many males – especially black males – are navigating the transition from youth to adulthood with the baggage and difficulties from contact with the criminal justice system," the study's lead author, University of South Carolina Criminology Professor Robert Brame, said in the release.

Previous studies have found that blacks are discriminated against in every phase of the criminal justice system, from arrest to prosecution and sentencing.



Millions of women are still struggling to get by

2014年01月09日 13時59分24秒 | Weblog

Let me state the obvious: I have never lived on the brink. I’ve never been in foreclosure, never applied for food stamps, never had to choose between feeding my children or paying the rent, and never feared I’d lose my paycheck when I had to take time off to care for a sick child or parent. I'm not thrown into crisis mode if I have to pay a parking ticket, or if the rent goes up. If my car breaks down, my life doesn’t descend into chaos.

But the fact is, one in three people in the United States do live with this kind of stress, struggle, and anxiety every day. More than 100 million Americans either live near the brink of poverty or churn in and out of it, and nearly 70 percent of these Americans are women and children.

Women are nearly two-thirds of minimum-wage workers in the country.
More than 70 percent of low-wage workers get no paid sick days at all.
Forty percent of all households with children under the age of 18 include mothers who are either the sole or primary source of income.
The median earnings of full-time female workers are still just 77 percent of the median earnings of their male counterparts.

Here are some highlights from the poll respondents who are low-income women:

Seventy-five percent of them wish they had put a higher priority on their education and career, compared to 58 percent of the general population
Seventy-three percent wish they had made better financial choices (as did 65 percent of all those we polled)
They were less likely to be married (37 percent, compared to 49 percent of all the men and women we polled) …
And more likely than men to regret marrying when they did (52 percent, compared to 33 percent of low-income men)
Nearly a third of those with children wished they had delayed having kids or had fewer of them



But the truth is that for so long, America’s women have been divided: women who are mothers versus women who are not, women who work at home versus women who work outside the home, those who are married versus those who aren’t, pro-life women versus pro-choice, white women versus women of color, Democrat versus Republican, gay versus straight, and young versus old. It feels like the last issue where women came together was fighting for the right to vote.

It’s time to come together again.

専業主婦と職業婦人、白人女性に黒人女性 若い女性と熟年女性 などなど、対立軸があるが、しかし、ともに女性の置かれた状況の改善のためにがんばろう、と。





2014年01月09日 10時39分24秒 | Weblog









(2014年1月9日 読売新聞)

スクールセクハラ 隠蔽体質

2014年01月09日 10時00分35秒 | Weblog
2014.1.9 07:00 (1/5ページ)




