Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2009年10月13日 05時33分52秒 | Weblog
Builder James Anthony Dean-Willcocks charged held over race-hate killing

By Lisa Davies and Gemma Jones From: The Daily Telegraph Sun Oct 11


Distressed ... a couple believed to be the alleged killer's parents outside court yesterday and (inset) Dean-Willcocks. Picture: Adam Ward Source: The Daily Telegraph
A BUILDER celebrating his 23rd birthday allegedly bashed an elderly man to death in a drunken race-hate crime.

James Anthony Dean-Willcocks, of Illawong, was yesterday charged with the murder of Magno Alvarado, 67.

Residents of Elouera Rd, Cronulla, told police of being woken about 5.30am on Saturday by a male yelling: "F ... off back to Japan".

According to a statement tendered by police to Parramatta Bail Court, a man was heard to cry: "Help, help".

One witness said he went to his balcony and allegedly saw a man "fling the victim on to the footpath, pick up the victim, shake him and throw him to the ground".

The accused then allegedly punched Mr Alvarado in the head and body as many as 10 times.

Another witness said he saw the victim thrown to the road, and Dean-Willcocks on top of him, punching him.

Police will allege Dean-Willcocks was heard yelling "Ya Jap".

Another described seeing Mr Alvarado tackled, "body-slammed" and punched many times.

One witness told police he yelled at Dean-Willcocks to stop and asked what he was doing.

"Mate, he's Japanese and he deserves it," the accused allegedly answered.

It is understood Mr Alvarado was Filipino.


この手の日本人に間違われて殺害されたアジア人のケースはアメリカのケースだが、以前にも紹介した。八つ当たり2Vincent Chin


`It is not as bad as in other countries. Racism here seldom leads to violence.''



11 October 2009 15:12 UK
Family targeted in racial attack

A mother and her three children were targeted in what police believe is a racially-motivated attack in Stockbridge Village.

イギリス 人種差別的な動機、ある家宅の窓がめちゃくちゃにされたり、

Prison term upheld in vicious racial assault
Attack sparked by African man's offer of cigarette
Last Updated: Monday, October 5, 2009 | 8:22 PM CT Comments15Recommend13.
CBC News

According to the court's five-page written decision, Sinclair became angry after hearing a rumour that his girlfriend "had spoken to and received a cigarette from a black man."

Sinclair confronted the victim and fought with him but retreated when he didn't get the upper hand.

Sinclair and four to six friends went back to the rooming house armed with "nail-encrusted" fence boards and went door-to-door searching for the victim. When they found his apartment, they broke in and beat him severely.

The victim was in a coma for three days and in hospital for three months recovering from his injuries. He suffered serious brain damage, was blinded in his right eye and still can't walk properly, the court said




偏見→妄想→日本人女性 強姦 など
勉強できないだけ 他の白人至上主義者の釈放の項 
Confronting Racism



Comment by HamachiMan
2009-10-15 11:03:33
Tourist Tomomi Hanamure, brutally murdered, Havasupai Reservation, USA
Yoshihiro Hattori, student, shot to death in Baton Rouge, Louisianna
Takuma Ito, student, shot to death, San Pedro, California
Masakazu Kuriyama, student, shot to death, Concord, California
Kanako Ohyama, tourist, probably raped, brutally strangled and murdered in Lousiana
Masumi Watanabe, tourist, brutally murdered, Pupukea, hawaii
And the countless other Japanese citizens brutally assaulted, raped, and murdered abroad, no one cares about them. Only when the ‘foreigner’ is killed in Japan is it ‘worthy’ of world reflection, agony, and sorrow. RIP to the unknown victims.