Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2013年03月31日 23時19分07秒 | Weblog

在日コリアン街で旭日旗掲げ街宣 大阪、住民ら抗議し騒然





2013/03/31 18:22 【共同通信】


【新大久保】「殺せ」と言えなくなったレイシスト カウンターの市民に抑え込まれ






【RT拡散希望・新大久保・反韓デモ】今日のデモの映像。01:27:00あたりから、解散場所の公園をプラカード隊が取り囲んで、「ザイトク帰れー!」の大合唱。公園の中にいる反韓デモ参加者達がオロオロしている様子がわかります。 http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/30669717 …


【RT拡散希望・新大久保・反韓デモ】続き。01:38:00~、反韓デモの参加者にインタビュー。最初はヘラヘラ笑いながらインタビューに答えていますが、沿道から「差別主義者は帰れ!恥を知れ!」とか言われてだんだん顔が引きつってきます。 http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/30669717 …



伊藤 大介


ITO, Kenichiro









 「遺体写真を見よ」 ネパール人惨殺の“鬼畜”に贈る「遺族の地獄」



2013年03月31日 18時59分33秒 | Weblog

Prostitution at the World Cup: Another Brazilian challenge
It is imperative for Brazil to distinguish between prostitution as a profession and sexual exploitation.

Last Modified: 30 Mar 2013 19:44

Zeynep Zileli Rabanea

The tone of the news not only reflects an attitude of preconceptions about prostitution but also an assumption of cultural superiority by ridiculing the idea that Brazilian prostitutes could actually learn English. For the upcoming World Cup events, it is crucial to tackle this issue, since it is exactly these types of attitudes that play a big role in constructing Brazil as the exotic getaway location attracting a large number of sex tourists alongside avid football fans.

The truly dirty side of the sex industry is also part of the reality. The increasing number of child prostitutes in the country has put Brazil in the notorious company of Thailand. Brazil has become one of the most desirable destinations in the world for sex tourism, with cities like Rio de Janeiro or the northeastern cities of Recife and Fortaleza becoming the centres of the activity. Such a development has disturbed Brazilian officials, who have been trying to fight against these crimes in the preparation for the World Cup - an event promising to bring a huge influx of tourists including, some searching for child prostitutes.

Human trafficking has also been a great problem for Brazil, the increasing concern reflecting itself in the plot of the country's prime time soap opera Salve Jorge. The tremendously popular TV show, watched widely across social classes in Brazil, deals with the story of Brazilian women subjected to sex trafficking by criminal gangs to foreign countries such as Spain and Turkey.



 ブラジルなんか児童買春の本山 みたいになっているそうであります。

Who is to blame for sex tourism?
Prostitution is illegal in the Philippines, but thrives in parts of the capital popular with tourists.
Inside Story Last Modified: 09 Oct 2011 13:04


 フィリピンにいく40%は売春目的との在比 米大使の発言が問題になったが、数字は正確ではないけど、 米軍がきてから飛躍的に売春が増えて、売春が深刻な問題であることは確かだ、と。


The Sex Sector: The Economic and Social Bases of Prostitution in the Philippines

By far the most significant impact on prostitution in the Philippines was the establishment of United States military bases in the country

Human trafficking in the Philippines
From Wikipedia,

The promise of recruiters offers women and children attractive jobs in the country or abroad, and instead they are coerced and forced and controlled into the sex industry for tourists

Police in the Philippines have been known to guard brothels and even procure children for prostitution

The Modern Scourge of Sex Slavery

Not only is sexual slavery rampant in the Western world, but westerners promote its growth abroad. Men seek thrills that might be illegal in their own countries. "If you want extremely young girls, or generally speaking, if you want something for which you could get 'hanged' in your own country, you can find it in these places without the risk of getting hanged. You can expect a nod of the head, the Asian clasp of the hands, all accompanied by a 'thank you.' " (Excerpts from Third World Movement Against Exploitation of Women.)

Or, even more disgusting, men are encouraged to do good deeds: As a German tourist brochure boasted: "When you screw here, you may not do it for Germany but you certainly do it for the welfare of Kenya."

Paper to Child Labor Coalition, Washington

Document Title: Paper to Child Labor Coalition, Washington
Document Ref No: R9708011
First Published: TBA
Publication Date: August 1997
Author's Name: Father Shay Cullen SSC
Dear Members of the Child Labor Coalition,

The Offenders

About 50% of the bar, club owners and operators are foreigners. In Angeles City 60 % are Australians, in Olongapo 40 % are American. The majority of the "customers" (the word used by the children to describe their abusers) are local tourists and about ten percent are foreign tourists. The foreign customers, according to arrest figures compiled by ECPAT Manila rank in frequency as follows: - American, Japanese, Australian, British, German, Swiss, other nationalities.

page 3

Protection by Politicians

However some local politicians, mayors and their business cronies continue to allow the operation of clubs and bars where children are used as sexual commodities along with young women. Many women will tell how they were recruited as young as 13 and 14. They issue permits and licences for all establishments and harass and threaten those trying to rescue the children, gather evidence and bring charges against them.

Police Corruption

Local police are under the direct supervision of the mayor and cannot act without informing his office of any complaint or impending investigation of clubs or bars where there is the exploitation of child workers. The police have been found to be behind so many kidnappings, bank robberies and other crimes that they are considered, even by government ministers to be corrupt without any solution on the horizon despite reform after reform.

Preda working undercover with hidden cameras uncovered child brothels in Metro Manila, Angeles and Olongapo. The reports filed directly with the Minister of Local Government and the Interior, a former police officer, no action has been taken.

Immunity for US Servicemen

Recent negotiations between US Military officials headed CICPAC, seek access to 22 Philippine ports and immunity from prosecution for servicemen. This is being pursued under a agreement to establish Cross Servicing rights in a large number of Philippine ports.

The US Navy has a poor record in regard to the use of child sexual workers. In 1988 a Naval Investigative undercover operation based in Subic Bay and operating in Olongapo City were offered children for sex as young a 4, 6, 12 and 13 years of age, according to the field reports of the pperatives. The suspects were reported to the Mayor of Olongapo, then Richard Gordon, now the present chairman of the Subic Bay Freeport. His wife is the mayor of Olongapo, his brother the congressman and other relatives hold high positions in government and commercial enterprises. Another relative is being charged with using a child prostitute. Mr. Gordon is the most vocal politician calling publicly for the return of the US Navy to Subic Bay for "commercial and recreation activities".

Child Sex Tourism

"On this trip, I've had sex with a 14 year-old girl in Mexico and a 15 year-old in Colombia. I'm helping them financially. If they don't have sex with me, they may not have enough food. If someone has a problem with me doing this, let UNICEF feed them."
-Retired U.S. Schoolteacher
"Maria is . . . prostituted by her aunt. Maria is obliged to sell her body exclusively to foreign tourists in Costa Rica, she only works mornings as she has to attend school in the afternoon. Maria is in fifth grade.

. Police corruption is common. In Thailand and the Philippines, police have been known to guard brothels and even procure
children for prostitution. Some police in destination countries directly exploit children themselves






2013年03月31日 10時01分57秒 | Weblog
White men have much to discuss about mass shootings
By Charlotte Childress and Harriet Childress,



Each of us is programmed from childhood to believe that the top group of our hierarchies ― and in the U.S. culture, that’s white men ― represents everyone, so it can feel awkward, even ridiculous, when we try to call attention to those people as a distinct group and hold them accountable.

For example, our schools teach American history as the history of everyone in this nation. But the stories we learn are predominantly about white men. To study the history of other groups, people have to take separate classes, such as African American history, women’s history or Native American history.


 しかし、あるグループ固有の問題を全体の問題として論じるのはいかがなものか、と。 まず、そのグループの問題として、特殊なグループの問題としてあつかってくれないか、 ということで、銃による大量殺人事件について語っています。

Nearly all of the mass shootings in this country in recent years ― not just Newtown, Aurora, Fort Hood, Tucson and Columbine ― have been committed by white men and boys. Yet when the National Rifle Association (NRA), led by white men, held a news conference after the Newtown massacre to advise Americans on how to reduce gun violence, its leaders’ opinions were widely discussed.

When white men try to divert attention from gun control by talking about mental health issues, many people buy into the idea that the United States has a national mental health problem, or flawed systems with which to address those problems, and they think that is what produces mass shootings.

But women and girls with mental health issues are not picking up semiautomatic weapons and shooting schoolchildren. Immigrants with mental health issues are not committing mass shootings in malls and movie theaters. Latinos with mental health issues are not continually killing groups of strangers.


If Americans ask the right questions on gun issues, we will get the right answers. These answers will encourage white men to examine their role in their own culture and to help other white men and boys become healthier and less violent.









2013年03月31日 09時03分11秒 | Weblog

新大久保の反韓デモ、救済申し立て 「身に危険の恐れ」







2013年03月31日 01時49分07秒 | Weblog
Aldermaston: the UK痴 nuclear legacy
As the British government looks to cut its spending, little sense exists in developing a new Nuclear weapons program.

Last Modified: 30 Mar 2013 11:48

Kate Hudson

Aldermaston って、

Thursday, 30 March, 2000, 15:55 GMT 16:55 UK
Aldermaston: Britain's bomb factory

Aldermaston in Berkshire is the only place in the UK where nuclear bombs are manufactured.



In the post-Cold War world, that sense of imminent and direct threat from nuclear weapons has waned, and rightly so. We no longer face any direct state-on-state nuclear threat, as everyone from former prime minister Tony Blair to the current UK government’s National Security Strategy (NSS) are only too happy to admit. Indeed the NSS has downgraded such a danger to a tier two threat, instead recognising terrorism, climate change, pandemics, cyber warfare and other very modern dangers as the primary risks that we face. Secondly, the extent to which opposition to nuclear weapons has become a thoroughly mainstream affair.

Senior military figures now routinely describe Britain’s nuclear weapons system Trident as useless. Previously pro-nuclear politicians are speaking out, even at the highest level. Former Tory Defence Secretary Michael Portillo, who served with Mrs Thatcher, describes it as ‘completely past its sell-by date’. And recently Des Browne, the Labour Defence Secretary who pushed Trident replacement through Parliament in 2007, has said that Trident is ‘neither strategically sound nor economically viable’.

Last week’s budget unveiled additional billions in cuts and the British people are paying the price. The government’s economic policies are hitting ordinary people very hard.

Yet at the same time the government spends £3bn a year on nuclear weapons and plans to spend over £100bn on building and maintaining a replacement for Trident. Why is it that the government says there is no money for social services and supporting the welfare of the most vulnerable in society but can find endless money for nuclear weapons, wars and interventions?





2013年03月31日 00時59分02秒 | Weblog

Finding commonality in a cosmopolitan world
In a globalised world, are we able to form a global community that can deal with the world's problems?

Last Modified: 29 Mar 2013 16:12

 Even though intercultural dialogue has become the buzzword of the post 9/11-era, at the same time, differences between cultures are overemphasized.  Seeing Culture Everywhere, from Genocide to Consumer Habits is the title of a book by Joana Breidenbach and Pàl Nyíri, in which they describe the trend to culturalise or emphasise ethnicity as an effective political and economic tool. The so called dialogue merely shows the "otherness".

Even with a globalised workforce that collaborates virtually, people are not trying to find a common ground, but they are taught how the "other" is doing business differently from their own cultural habits. So instead of saying "This is what we have in common", intercultural trainers often emphasise "Be careful, they do it like that! You have to respect that, if you want to do business with them". And the strategy is not different for NGOs. They also emphasise differences instead of commonalities.

a real cosmopolitanism enables a person to identify with all humanity, even if it is highly fragmented. Even if there are so many cultures, a cosmopolitan should be able to find a common pattern that overcomes the diversity and shows humanity as a unit.

he prefers to talk about issues and problems that all cultures face.

Antweiler is following Appiah in his equation: cosmopolitanism is "universality plus difference". Both are saying that cultural differences should not and cannot be homogenised. But there are patterns that are inherent to many cultures. People from all cultures have certain terms to describe values, which can be used as a starting point for negotiations about shared values, either just between two cultures or more, maybe even universally.

I understand a global citizen as a person who sees the global scale of a local problem and who does something to counteract it. In order to form a global community we can perform small steps. There is no need to find universal characteristics that exist in all cultures worldwide. A global community can form around a basic value that all cultures share, such as freedom of expression. All citizens (maybe not all governments though) agree on the fact, that they need to be free to express their thoughts.

 アルジャのopinion 欄で、また、世界主義(コスモポリタニズム)を取り上げている。



 ここらへん、微妙なバランスが必要で、例えば、表現の自由の尊重というのはグローバルに共有される普遍的な価値なんだ、というのは、まあ、いいのですが、差異、違いを過小評価しちゃうと、サンデルなんかが批判する 裸の実体的個人、というか、地域社会(コミニティー)に根ざしていない、抽象的な個人を想定してしまう危険もある。











"It's always the Germans' fault!" the leading tabloid daily Bild said last week. "Yet of all people, we Germans are the target of criticism, even outright hatred, in crisis-plagued countries."


U.S. Wargames North Korean Regime Collapse, Invasion to Secure Nukes


The dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un,  please don't attack Japan  Peace (*^^)v

2013年03月30日 21時19分44秒 | Weblog
 Full war declaration statement from DPRK

The first strike of the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK will blow up the U.S. bases for aggression in its mainland and in the Pacific operational theatres including Hawaii and Guam and reduce not only its military bases in south Korea but the puppets' ruling institutions including Chongwadae and puppet army's bases to ashes at once, to say nothing of the aggressors and the provokers.


2013年 03月 29日

North Korea says enters "state of war" against South

By Jack Kim
SEOUL | Sat Mar 30, 2013 6:56am EDT
(Reuters) - North Korea said on Saturday it was entering a "state of war" with South Korea, its latest bout of angry rhetoric directed at Seoul and Washington, but the South brushed off the statement as little more than tough talk.


外国籍の子どもをサポート 宇都宮大「HANDS」3年

2013年03月30日 20時47分54秒 | Weblog
外国籍の子どもをサポート 宇都宮大「HANDS」3年


■小中学校と連携強化 「情報共有の核に」






こういうのはJapan Times で紹介しないのかね?  


露外相 朝鮮状況、手に負えなくなると警告

2013年03月30日 13時55分40秒 | Weblog

2013.3.30 09:18

As North Korea Blusters, U.S. Worries About Quieter Risks
Published: March 29, 2013

In fact, it is the abilities that Mr. Kim is not showing off that have the Obama administration most worried. The cyberattacks on South Korea’s banking system and television broadcasters two weeks ago were surprisingly successful, as was the torpedo attack three years ago this week on the Cheonan, a naval corvette, that killed 46 South Korean sailors. The North has never acknowledged involvement in either ― though the South believes it was responsible for both and so do American experts.

“We’re convinced this is about Kim solidifying his place with his own people and his own military, who still don’t know him,” one senior administration official said Friday

 脅しは、新しいリーダーの国内向け地固めの要素がつよいが、北朝鮮が、表立って やってやる、と言っているミサイル攻撃とかじゃなくて、サイバー攻撃と隠れた攻撃のほうを警戒すべき、と。

Russian warning over North Korean threats
David Chance and Phil Stewart SEOUL/WASHINGTON
Saturday 30 March 2013

RUSSIA has warned heightened military activity near North Korea is slipping into a "vicious cycle" that could get out of control, implicitly criticising US bomber flights that led to a ramping up of action by Pyongyang.

29 March 2013
North Korea tensions: Russia's Lavrov fears 'spiral'

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov went further, voicing concern that "we may simply let the situation slip out of our control and it will slide into a spiral of a vicious circle".

"We are concerned that... unilateral action is being taken around North Korea that is increasing military activity," he said.


 尖閣問題とは違って、この手の米韓による”強硬姿勢””挑発” そして、”タカ派”の米韓大統領を懸念、非難する論者は米国メディアには少ないのだろうか?



A Secret   Something you tell everybody to tell nobody

2013年03月30日 07時07分15秒 | Weblog

坂口良子さん急死 女優、「池中玄太80キロ」 57歳
2013.3.29 07:26


池中玄太80キロ 最終回 2-3



Think Again: North Korea
North Korea is a lot more dangerous than you think, but that doesn't mean that Kim Jong Un is insane.


since 1992, the North has welcomed these five new leaders by disturbing the peace. Whether in the form of missile launches, submarine incursions, or naval clashes, these North Korean provocations were met by each newly elected South Korean president with patience rather than pique.The difference today is that South Korea is no longer turning the other cheek. After the North blew up the South Korean navy ship the Cheonan, killing 46 sailors in 2010, Seoul re-wrote the rules of military engagement. It has lost patience and will respond kinetically to any provocation, which could escalate into a larger conflict.











2013年03月29日 16:23








Family of slain gay candidate say it was hate crime
Marco McMillian was campaigning to be first openly homosexual Mississippi mayor

The family of a Mississippi mayoral candidate who was killed have called on police to investigate his death as a hate crime, after learning the violent details of his murder.

The body of 33-year-old Marco McMillian, an African-American who was campaigning to become the state’s first openly gay mayor, was found last Wednesday near the banks of the Mississippi River, outside Clarksdale.

According to a statement issued by his family, Mr McMillian’s body was naked, bruised and swollen, and had been dragged to the spot and set alight. The family had spoken to the coroner, and been shown photographs. “We feel that this was not a random act of violence, based on the condition of the body when it was found,” they said in the statement, which was released on Sunday. “Marco, nor anyone, should have their lives end in this manner.”


Man beaten with bat in possible anti-gay hate crime

March 18th, 2013

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Police are looking for two men suspected of beating a man in a possible "bias-related" attack Sunday night.

The victim, a man in his 40s, was walking home in the area of 20th and D St. at 10:13 p.m. when he was approached by a man from behind. The approaching man made various derogatory statements using gay slurs. A second man then struck the victim on the lower portion of his body while also using derogatory slurs, according to Sacramento police reports.

Emergency personnel were called to the scene and transported the victim to hospital with minor injuries.



Romanian pickpocket stole 15 phones worth £6,000 in coffee shop distraction thefts lasting just 'five seconds'
Calin-Lonel Rostas would distract and steal in coffee shops
Would place a piece of paper over phones and pinch them
Jailed for twenty months after police caught him on CCTV
PUBLISHED: 14:48 GMT, 28 March 2013 | UPDATED: 15:24 GMT, 28 March 2013


Britain is NOT a soft touch insists judge as he jails Romanian gang for 82 years over £1m gold robberies
Judge Timothy Pontius told gang members they would be deported
Ten men from eastern Europe raided jewellers across London
Gang came to the UK with the sole purpose of carrying out the robberies
PUBLISHED: 13:51 GMT, 28 March 2013 | UPDATED: 16:11 GMT, 28 March 2013

A judge warned foreign criminals yesterday that Britain is not a ‘soft touch’ as he jailed a Romanian gang for a £1million theft campaign.
The ten gang members exploited EU border laws to travel freely between Romania and the UK purely to steal high-quality gold from Turkish and Indian jewellery shops.


'Turn immigrants away to save British jobs': Politicians say closing the border would bring down unemployment
Cross-party MPs say temporary closures would aid UK employment
They say immigration levels are 'unsustainable'
'Limits on immigrants will not harm economy', MPs add
PUBLISHED: 07:20 GMT, 29 March 2013 | UPDATED: 14:51 GMT, 29 March 2013



Girl, 14, raped by two men on top deck of a bus after visiting shopping centre with friend
Victim attacked after leaving Silverburn shopping centre in Glasgow
Raped by two men on top deck while friend was downstairs
Police appealing for witnesses who came to the girl's aid to come forward
PUBLISHED: 19:14 GMT, 29 March 2013 | UPDATED: 20:13 GMT, 29 March 2013

A teenage girl was raped by two men on a double decker bus after leaving a shopping centre with her friend.
The 14-year-old was attacked on the top deck of the 57 bus as it left Silverburn shopping centre in Pollok, Glasgow.


Games teacher raped three teenage girls after befriending their parents and going on holiday with their families
Stephen Benson gained the trust of the families as an athletics coach
He was convicted of nine rape and six indecent assaults charges
Benson was found guilty of two counts of sexual activity with a child
The offences were carried out between 1989 and 2011
The 50-year-old, of Ipswich, Suffolk, was cleared of two rape offence
He was regularly invited to victims' homes and seen as 'one of the family'
PUBLISHED: 17:21 GMT, 29 March 2013 | UPDATED: 17:37 GMT, 29 March 2013

体育家庭教師が家庭の少女を手なずけて、性的暴行 イギリス。

「今日もやってしまった」痴漢容疑で高校教員逮捕 名古屋市の地下鉄
2013.3.30 00:16



2013年03月29日 23時03分34秒 | Weblog

Instead of jump-starting a conversation about the most effective approach to cancer research, Time distorted it beyond recognition. It’s certainly not the first time that’s happened. It’s been more than four decades since President Nixon signed the National Cancer Act of 1971, promising cancer sufferers that their “hopes will not be disappointed.” In 1998, mortality rates for all types of cancer had actually increased slightly, from 200.73 to 200.82 deaths per 100,000 people. That didn’t stop the New York Times from running Gina Kolata’s embarrassing front-page “special report,” which quoted James Watson as saying a researcher at Children’s Hospital in Boston would “cure cancer in two years.” Watson claimed he said no such thing―“When I read her article, I was horrified,” he told a reporter at the time.


癌をいかに治療するか ドリームチームのおかげで、もっと早く、よりよい結果を得ることができるようになった、

 Time とか、New York Times なんか、と聞くと、すごい権威がありそうですけど、産経やスポニチとかとそれほど変わらないのかもしれませんね。



Aya Tsukioka (vending machine dress) is back. This time with some office camouflage outfits: http://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/7541202/ …


@Durf I do think the pigeon masks on the third page look a little unrealistic. I suspect they aren't being entirely serious.
返信 リツイート お気に入りに登録 その他
2013年3月29日 - 2:28

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://kwout.com/cutout/a/34/74/x5a_bor.js"></script>



Fearing Crime, Japanese Wear the Hiding Place









要するに、これも 遊び、である。

 この記事は別に残酷な嘘ではありませんけど、間抜けな誤報 だったわけで、ジャーナリズムの教科書に恥かしい笑い話として掲載してもらいたいものです。



Beyond multiculturalism
While multiculturalism aims for unity, we are still working towards tolerance - a fact made painfully clear post-9/11.

Last Modified: 28 Mar 2013 12:55

Maryana Hrushetska

The price tag for multiculturalism has been the ascent of rigid identity politics, where cultural groups proclaim either their "specialness" or "victimhood", continually setting themselves apart from others.

The result has been a backlash from those in the cultural majority and rivalry for resources amongst minorities. While multiculturalism aimed for unity, in truth we are still working towards tolerance - a fact made painfully clear in a post-9/11 landscape where fear is the dominant cultural marker and "the Other" is usually to blame.

A fundamental flaw of multiculturalism is the view that the broad concept of culture is pure and static. It elevates individual cultures as distinct self-contained universes when in reality they have long interacted and influenced one another.

The insight of this wise 9-year-old girl made me question the impact of my curatorial practice. Was I creating common ground or reinforcing "Otherness"? Would giving voice to the disenfranchised create understanding or distance? How could I contribute to unity while leaving room for uniqueness?

The insight of this wise 9-year-old girl made me question the impact of my curatorial practice. Was I creating common ground or reinforcing "Otherness"? Would giving voice to the disenfranchised create understanding or distance? How could I contribute to unity while leaving room for uniqueness?



Book Review: Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers, by Kwame Anthony Appiah

Having said this, the desire to eliminate differences is not a prima facie sign of cosmopolitanism. After all, fundamentalists who seek to make everyone conform to their religion (to the point of murdering those who resist) do wish to eliminate difference, but are certainly not cosmopolitans. The cosmopolitan ideal is far from this: it is to temper the respect for difference, with a respect for human beings. Its prescriptive element therefore does not just preach tolerance, but also generates obligations towards strangers

A Philosophy of Cosmopolitanism

Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers
By Kwame Anthony Appiah
W. W. Norton & Company
196 Pages
By Jenny Jin

Though Appiah wants peace between countries, such peace should not come at the price of losing a healthy sense of nationalism and cultural pride. Appiah respects local customs and beliefs, challenging his readers to think about what these customs and beliefs mean to the people who hold them.

Indeed, some of the best writing in the book appears when Appiah describes his Asante family in Ghana. Because Appiah has the benefit of real experience, his stories about Ghanaian customs and beliefs are not simply novelty items, but human stories told to make a point. Appiah takes pains to show that Asante beliefs about spirits and witchcraft are as common and natural in Ghanaian society as Christian beliefs about God and angels in the United States. A cosmopolitan, a citizen of the world, would not be content to simply brush off Asante beliefs as "their way" and continue down his or her own, but would take the time to talk to a Ghanaian and try to understand how he or she thinks. Cosmopolitism is, above all, a philosophy of open conversation.

his is because he believes that all cultures already agree on certain moral universals. As he points out, most everyone accepts that universal wrongs, like murder, rape, and incest are, well, wrong. And most of us can very well distinguish between these sorts of absolute wrongs and the mere taboos of our local culture, like not being allowed to eat red peppers on Wednesdays or to shake a woman's hand when she is menstruating. It is the ability to make this distinction that allows one to sit down with someone from across the world and agree with him or her about what it means to be a good human being.

Local cultures have always changed and adapted in response to the influence of invading foreigners (whether military or commercial). To resist natural cultural evolution would be anticosmopolitanism of the most futile kind. A second related chapter continues this argument as it pertains to "cultural property." Appiah points out that in a global culture, works of ancient and historical significance belong to everyone, not to any single country or culture. It is absurd for countries less than a century old to claim that all ancient artifacts unearthed within their borders are national property. "Whose culture is it, anyway?" Appiah asks rhetorically.

Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers

This cosmopolitan ethic, which he traces from the Greek Cynics and through to the U.N.'s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, must inevitably balance universals with respect for particulars. This balance comes through "conversation," a term Appiah uses literally and metaphorically to signal the depth of encounters across national, religious and other forms of identity. At the same time, Appiah stresses conversation needn't involve consensus, since living together mostly entails just getting used to one another.













 外国人の記者の場合は、実際に日本人と接して会話しないで、他の英語の記事やら本を読んで固定観念的に記事を書く。英語圏で雇われている日本人の記者が日本について書くときも、上司や周囲がそんな感じなせいか、無意識に迎合、conform してしまって、固定観念、決まりきった枠組みで書く。




“‘What do you call a pretty woman in England?’ Answer: ‘A tourist.’”

2013年03月29日 02時17分53秒 | Weblog
The British may not be as sun-kissed or as chic as their French cousins but surely this gag is a little harsh... “‘What do you call a pretty woman in England?’ Answer: ‘A tourist.’


Top ten French jokes about Brits and Yanks

Famed as the cultural capital of the world with a history stretching back over one thousand years, France is not above sneering at its American allies. "'What's the difference between an American and a pot of yoghurt?' Answer: 'After a period of time, the yoghurt begins to develop cultures.'"

Perhaps the most offensive American trait from a French perspective is the country’s super-power mentality, which is the butt of this joke: “A group of Americans were asked to give their honest opinion on solutions to a possible world food shortage. However the survey was a failure because no one knew that the 'rest of the world' existed.”

We’ve all had to get used to being America’s poodle

2013年03月29日 01時48分14秒 | Weblog


Why the miserable French should put the accent on English via @Telegraph http://j.mp/14qDTGB とても分かりやすい反応の仕方

Why the miserable French should put the accent on English
Our Gallic neighbours are miserable and pessimistic because they can’t cope with the modern world

By Tim Stanley8:37PM GMT 26 Mar 2013

Senik’s theory is that French pessimism is caused by three factors. First, their schools are too good: “In France… the majority of pupils are used to getting bad grades. ・・・・・

Several decades of liberal-minded “pupil-centred-teacher-learning” (giving a child a gold star just for showing up to class) has created a generation of Britons who are used to being told that their minds are beautiful, no matter how empty they might be. Ignorance is bliss.

Second, the French have failed to cope with the loss of empire. There was a time when France claimed a vast portion of the world as its own and Paris drew hundreds of great artists to paint and compose. Of course, we’ve all had to get used to being America’s poodle or the marketplace for cheap Chinese goods.・・・・・

The French pride in its distance from Britain and America has not helped the country retain a strong and rich identity so much as cut it off from the rest of the world.



2013年03月29日 01時41分11秒 | Weblog


At an anti-gay marriage rally in Paris on Sunday, Boutin claims she was sprayed with tear-gas by riot police after 100 to 200 protestors allegedly breached a police cordon to access the Champs Elysées.

In short, a small but rowdy group of demonstrators tried to breach a police barricade and access the Champs Elysées. They were pushed back by riot police, who then deployed tear gas to keep them away from the barrier.

Of course, it’s impossible to know for sure. But it seems likely that Boutin was close to the Champs Elysée when tear gas was deployed, and she fainted from the effects.

Her claims appear to be borne out by photographic evidence and the account of an AFP photographer who took shots of her on the ground.

Almost immediately after the protest on Sunday, one French journalist claimed that Boutin had been 800 metres away from where the tear gas was sprayed, and was merely acting up.





Christine Boutin
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Boutin stated that George W. Bush might have been behind the 11 September 2001 attacks


THURSDAY, MAR 28, 2013 06:41 AM +0900
High school teacher under investigation for saying “vagina” during anatomy lesson
Teacher Tim McDaniel is also in hot water for asking students to write critical response papers on climate change

学校の授業で、バギナ といったら、保守的な保護者から抗議、

For his part, McDaniel is perplexed by the accusations, telling the Times-News: “I teach straight out of the textbook, I don’t include anything that the textbook doesn’t mention. But I give every student the option not attend this class when I teach on the reproductive system if they don’t feel comfortable with the material.”


Outrage after university instructor told students to write the word 'Jesus' on paper, throw it on the floor and stomp on it
FAU student Ryan Rotela claims he was thrown out of the class and suspended for refusing to participate
University has since apologized with Florida governor now calling for an investigation
Assignment was to demonstrate the power of words and symbols
PUBLISHED: 13:39 GMT, 27 March 2013 | UPDATED: 13:48 GMT, 27 March 2013

A university is under fire after a class assignment instructed its students to write the word 'Jesus' on a piece of paper, throw it on the floor and then stomp on it.
Florida Gov Rick Scott has now demanded an investigation into the ‘offensive’ assignment after a Florida Atlantic University professor allegedly threw a student out of his class for refusing to participate.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2299909/FAU-University-instructor-told-students-write-word-Jesus-paper-throw-floor-stomp-it.html#ixzz2Oo5KjhgS
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

'This exercise is a bit sensitive, but really drives home the point that even though symbols are arbitrary, they take on very strong and emotional meanings,' the exercise taken from St. Norbert College communications professor Jim Neuliep reads.
'Most will hesitate. Ask why they can't step on the paper. Discuss the importance of symbols in culture.'



Bogus sugar daddy claimed to be oligarch's ex-SAS pal as he fleeced professional women of thousands after meeting them on dating websites
Jonathan Price told his unsuspecting victims he was a multi-millionaire
Also claimed he was suffering from cancer, Teesside Crown Court hears
Lied that he served in the SAS, had property overseas and owned boats
Described as 'callous' man with 'deception deeply engrained in his mind'
PUBLISHED: 14:16 GMT, 27 March 2013 | UPDATED: 01:58 GMT, 28 March 2013

With his wealth, glamorous lifestyle and friends in high places, Jonathan Price probably seemed too good to be true.
Unfortunately for the women who fell for his charms, that’s exactly what he was.
The serial conman posed as a rich ‘sugar daddy’ to trap a string of professional women and fleece them for tens of thousands of pounds.


Husbands always claim to prefer the natural look so one writer put it to the test and asks: How much make-up do men REALLY prefer?
PUBLISHED: 00:54 GMT, 28 March 2013 | UPDATED: 01:05 GMT, 28 March 2013



Hands off the purse strings! Women don't trust their chaps with money
Half of people do not trust their partner when it comes to money
Survey finds men are more trusting and women are cautious financially
Third of people have got more wary about financial matters in past year
PUBLISHED: 00:29 GMT, 28 March 2013 | UPDATED: 00:30 GMT, 28 March 2013

‘It is clear the public feel trust is being eroded for a variety of reasons, one of which is the failings of the very people we look to in order to guide us through challenging times.’


'Why should I go to work when my benefits are worth £70,000 a year?' Mother-of-three refuses to get a job because she is better off without one
Sharon Minkin, 49, says she cannot find a job that pays the same as benefits
Lives in a semi-detached house, drives a 4x4 and has a 42" flatscreen TV
Was qualified accountant on £120,000 a year but has not worked for 18 years
Benefits she receives are equivalent to earning £70,000 a year before tax
PUBLISHED: 13:09 GMT, 27 March 2013 | UPDATED: 19:49 GMT, 27 March 2013

However, Ms Minkin says even a salary of £40,000 a year might not be enough to force her off benefits – because by the time she is taxed she could be left with less than she gets on the dole.
'I already struggle to feed us all and pay the bills. Luckily my retired parents – who are not rich by any means – help as much as they can.
'I’m sure people might say "oh, what a sponger she is" but although I don’t feel guilty for claiming benefits because for years I was a high rate tax payer, I'd much rather go out to work and earn that money with a proper job.
'I feel ashamed telling people I’m on benefits. However, I have to put my kids first. It’s no good me going out to work if I can’t afford the roof over their heads, food on the table and they have to go into debt if they go to university.'


‘Food stamps’ to be issued in Britain next week to tens of thousands of vulnerable people as part of benefits shake-up
Vouchers will be redeemable for food, nappies and other essentials
They will be offered to needy by councils after crisis funds devolved locally
The stamps will replace Social Fund's discretionary loans and grants
PUBLISHED: 14:19 GMT, 27 March 2013 | UPDATED: 16:16 GMT, 27 March 2013

A spokesman for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) said the move was not about cost-cutting, as there was no reduction in budget, but rather was intended to ensure the money was spent where it was most needed.





The essence of matter is extension.

2013年03月29日 00時21分36秒 | Weblog



Oversimplifying Japan’s right turn by Toshiya Takahashi. http://j.mp/13yxaLz @east_asia_forumさんから


どこの国の首相なり、大統領が、タカ派とか、形容されるのがふさわしいのかね? 英語圏の雑誌社の記者さん?

液状化は23区の1割超 東京都が17年ぶり予測図策定



教科書検定:「英語で授業」基本に 現場に戸惑い







