Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

We’ve all had to get used to being America’s poodle

2013年03月29日 01時48分14秒 | Weblog


Why the miserable French should put the accent on English via @Telegraph http://j.mp/14qDTGB とても分かりやすい反応の仕方

Why the miserable French should put the accent on English
Our Gallic neighbours are miserable and pessimistic because they can’t cope with the modern world

By Tim Stanley8:37PM GMT 26 Mar 2013

Senik’s theory is that French pessimism is caused by three factors. First, their schools are too good: “In France… the majority of pupils are used to getting bad grades. ・・・・・

Several decades of liberal-minded “pupil-centred-teacher-learning” (giving a child a gold star just for showing up to class) has created a generation of Britons who are used to being told that their minds are beautiful, no matter how empty they might be. Ignorance is bliss.

Second, the French have failed to cope with the loss of empire. There was a time when France claimed a vast portion of the world as its own and Paris drew hundreds of great artists to paint and compose. Of course, we’ve all had to get used to being America’s poodle or the marketplace for cheap Chinese goods.・・・・・

The French pride in its distance from Britain and America has not helped the country retain a strong and rich identity so much as cut it off from the rest of the world.



