Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

“‘What do you call a pretty woman in England?’ Answer: ‘A tourist.’”

2013年03月29日 02時17分53秒 | Weblog
The British may not be as sun-kissed or as chic as their French cousins but surely this gag is a little harsh... “‘What do you call a pretty woman in England?’ Answer: ‘A tourist.’


Top ten French jokes about Brits and Yanks

Famed as the cultural capital of the world with a history stretching back over one thousand years, France is not above sneering at its American allies. "'What's the difference between an American and a pot of yoghurt?' Answer: 'After a period of time, the yoghurt begins to develop cultures.'"

Perhaps the most offensive American trait from a French perspective is the country’s super-power mentality, which is the butt of this joke: “A group of Americans were asked to give their honest opinion on solutions to a possible world food shortage. However the survey was a failure because no one knew that the 'rest of the world' existed.”


