
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2011-08-09 12:59:30 | Topics


Thank you for the information about Henin, ST-san☆. According to the info, Henin came to the ITF tournament in China. This is not that photo, she wore casual jeans. If you want to know more about that, check the comments from ST-san in the previous topic. Hmm.., Henin, Please come to the nearby country Japan too... No?(^_^;)...


1405.Not yet...

2011-08-08 12:55:16 | Topics


Internet environment at my home is not accessed yet. I want more informations(^_^;). How many informations did I get from the Internet?. A little crazy level. By the way, Date-san couldn't get through the qualifying round at Tront. I'm sad to hear that... Last year, if Henin didn't have the injury and plays at Tront, I might have gone there to support her... Now, it became my dream forever(tears)...


1404.Blue & Pink.

2011-08-05 12:53:48 | Topics


I post this from my mobile phone. This photo is in the left side, right?. I know that, but I can't control the location by my mobile phone... Hmm.. OK, I don't mind about that. Well, this photo is Petkovic. Adidas wear is new design for summer season. She often had the same wear as Henin, so, if Henin still plays, she might have the wear like this(^_^;). It's my delusion☆. Blue & pink. Henin would look nice(tears)...



2011-08-04 12:54:06 | Topics

伊達さん、サンディエゴ2回戦では、リシキに完敗のようでした。。残念。。でも、まだUSO まで時間があるので、上手く調整して欲しいですね☆。携帯からの投稿、もう少し編集しやすくなるといいんだけど。。

Date san lost to Lisicki in the second round at San Diego... But she has time until USO, so, I hope she will have a good condition☆. Hmm.. it's awkward to edit this blog by mobile phone ...


1402.Test posting.

2011-08-03 12:48:11 | Topics


I post this topic by my mobile phone. Test posting. Hmm.. I can't check the size of this photo... Oh, Henin-san looks fine☆. Very good expression. Well, Date-san won in the first singles and doubles match at San Diego☆. Yes, JUST GO♪
