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1420.US Open...

2011-08-23 12:15:00 | Topics
来週は、もうUS Openですね。今年最後のグランドスラムです。テニスシーズンも、後半に入りました。うぅ、、エナンのUSOは、2007年が最後となりました。復帰後は、怪我のため出ることができませんでしたからね(涙)。。

Next week, US Open will be held. It the last GS tournament this year. Tennis season gets into the latter half. Hmm.., Henin's last USO was in 2007. Because after her comeback, she couldn't come there again due to the injury(tears)...

Since Henin's retirement, more than half a year has passed. I feel it was a long time ago, but she still was playing tennis at the beginning of this year. In Japan, the big earthquake and nuclear accident happened, so, we all confused a lot. I couldn't follow tennis at that time. But now, as if it's like a far memory, but I can remember it clearly now...
