
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2009-03-02 12:48:21 | Tennis

During I felt down about my YouTube(laugh), I couldn't check about tennis media... Oh., Date-san lost in QF in Florida... I'm sorry to hear that-.. But her fighting spirit is so nice, that's enough for me☆(NOTICE:This photo I took last year)

According to Date-san's blog, After she had felt frustrated, she ate a big hamburger, and she seems to refresh(laugh)... Ahaha., she seems to enjoy it, and to have a fulfilling life.

* Date-san's blog ~Always Smile~

Speaking of junk food, while back, I tried to eat "Happyset" in Mcdonalds with my coworker(laugh). It was 370 YEN, it had a hamburger, a french fries, a drink and the free gift. It's cheap! But I was ashamed a little... How should I do this Dragon-ball?(laugh)... If I buy it seven times, can it make my wish come true-?(laugh)

* Mcdonalds_Happyset
How was Henin-san?, when she lost. It was "Boo-(-ε-)"?(laugh) Hmm., because she was the queen

I look back.., at that time, she didn't have a smile... I don't have the photos with her smile at all(only me?).. Yes., I guess., she was not in good condition., she was taking a little long rest at that time., and the clay season had come... She must have been so nervous. Oh-oh, I feel down again... Even though it has passed 10 months since her retirement...