
-The Road to improve English-
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157.To a hospital...

2008-03-01 19:32:16 | Diary
Ahchoo! Humm... I have hay fever... I don't like spring because of hay fever. But of course, I like it as a season.. Today, I went to the hospital to be checked by a doctor. Yes,, to get some ethical drugs(to have medical prescription), I need to have doctor see my symptoms...

I'm a paper pharmacist(laugh). Yes, I have a licence, but I don't use it now.. Some years ago, I learned about pharmacy, but I don't remember now(laugh).. That's why I'm just a patient(laugh).

Whenever I have some medicines from younger pharmacists, I often ask them about my medicines, intentionally(laugh). I want to tease them(laugh). But they have studied so well about many medicines, they could give me correct answers..
"Oh.. T,T,Thank you for your advices.. I didn't know that.." Ahaha... I'm sorry about teasing you... I appreciate it...(laugh) Umm.. I'm a just paper one..

I have to just go ahead to be a analysts in my present job.. I can't go back to be a pharmacist from now... I just go my present way??? Humm... I'm still just in unclear situation???
Speaking as some medicines, It's said that Henin had cortisone treatment, as follows.
"Henin came back home with an injured right knee which needed cortisone treatment."
"cortisone treatment".. It's "Steroid hormones" Yes it's "Corticosteroid". I have learned that "Steroid" is a all-purpose cure as a anti-inflammatory effect. But I don't remember the detail about it(laugh)...
Oh,, Henin.. Be careful... We worry about your knee... Please take a rest... I just want to watch the match with your fighting spirit! We all always support you! Take enough rest with an easy mind!

About cortisone by Wikipedia



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