


2008-01-28 11:46:28 | Telegraph (UK)

Prince Charles' Olympic-sized snub to China
By Richard Spencer in Beijing
The Prince of Wales has snubbed the Chinese government by refusing to attend the Olympic Games in Beijing this summer.


Hoooray! GJ, your Imperial Highness!!

The Prince made his decision known to campaigners for a free Tibet, who had been calling on him to show solidarity with those who believe the Games risk obscuring China's human rights record.


He gave no reason for his decision, and neither did he say whether he had received a formal invitation.


But recently he has been wooed by the Chinese, and particularly their new ambassador in London, who had made it her personal mission to encourage him to go.


"As you know, His Royal Highness has long taken a close interest in Tibet and indeed has been pleased to meet His Holiness the Dalai Lama on several occasions," a letter, written to the Free Tibet Campaign by Clive Alderton, the Prince's deputy private secretary, said.


"You asked if the Prince of Wales would be attending the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics in 2008. His Royal Highness will not be attending the ceremony."


Separately, the Prince's staff have made clear he will not be attending the Games at any stage during the summer.


Although the letter avoids backing the group's position on the Games, the Free Tibet Campaign welcomed the decision, with which it intends to launch a campaign to persuade other prominent figures not to attend in protest at Chinese policies.


"We welcome Prince Charles's decision to stay away from the Games, and call on other public figures and politicians to follow suit," said Matt Whitticase, a Free Tibet Campaign spokesman.


"The deterioration of the human rights situation in Tibet and China since the Games were awarded is deplorable and can only mean that these Games rightly are destined to be known as the Games of shame."


The Prince of Wales has long had a frosty relationship with the Chinese, culminating in the leak of diaries written at the time of the Hong Kong handover in 1997 in which he referred to senior officials participating as "appalling old waxworks".


He is an admirer of the Dalai Lama, the Tibetans' spiritual leader who has been in exile since an uprising against Chinese rule in 1959. In 2002, he received at Clarence House two nuns who had been tortured in the notorious Drapchi prison in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa, and had escaped to the west on their release.


His reputation as China's leading critic in the British Establishment was what encouraged Fu Ying, the country's most senior woman diplomat, to single him out for attention when she took up her appointment as ambassador to Britain last year.


This led to a special "Chinese day" last autumn, when he toured Chinatown, had lunch with visiting Chinese businessmen and women, and attended an awards ceremony in the evening with Madam Fu.


Royal sources suggested that the decision not to go to the Games did not mean that the Prince had lost interest in China. His charities are already involved in collaboration with China on urban regeneration projects, which will continue.


One reason for the rapprochement was concern shared by the government and his private secretary, Sir Michael Peat, that his hostility to China might become politically difficult at a time when the British government was seeking improved relations with Beijing.


That was highlighted a week ago when Gordon Brown, the prime minister, on his visit to China made little mention of human rights and gladly accepted a Chinese invitation to the Games' opening ceremony.


He will join President George W. Bush, and other world leaders who are refusing to go along with boycott campaigns such as that led by Mia Farrow, the actress, who has called them the "Genocide Games". She accuses China of supporting the government in Sudan, accused of responsibility for massacres in Darfur.


Meanwhile, the importance the Chinese attach to the Games was highlighted at the weekend, when the new mayor of Beijing, Guo Jinlong, said that ensuring the event's success would "contribute to the realization of the 100-year dream of the Chinese nation."

一方、週末は新北京市長のGuo Jinlongは、確実にオリンピックを成功させることは「中国国家の100年の夢の実現に貢献する」と述べて、中国が北京オリンピックに見出す重要性が強調された。

The dream of the Chinese nation, according to often repeated propaganda, is to shake off the humiliation of 160 years of colonisation, invasion and economic failure to retake its rightful place as a leading nation on the world stage.


( ゜∀゜)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
Richard, you cheeky monkey, ha ha ha.

This has also involved bitter attacks on the Dalai Lama, whose enduring popularity remains a thorn in the flesh of the Communist Party as it seeks to win world approval.


Last Thursday, a government spokeswoman said he was not a true religious leader, after he gave an interview in which he appeared to give his backing to calls for peaceful protests at the Games against Chinese policies in Tibet.


"The goal of all of his schemes is to split the motherland, sabotage ethnic unity, sabotage China's relations with other nations and interfere with the Olympic Games," Jiang Yu said.

とJiang Yuは言った。

"So he is in no way a religious or spiritual leader. He is purely a general leader bent on pursuing separatism and sabotaging national unity."


Mr Whitticase said the speed with which the Prince's staff replied suggested it was an issue to which thought had been given.


A spokeswoman for Clarence House said: "Visits abroad are taken on the advice of the Foreign Office. We wouldn't discuss in detail any request that has been made or not made." The Foreign Office said it was unable to comment, and no-one was available for comment at the Chinese embassy in London.





詐欺師はただの迷惑な誇大妄想狂なのか 3

2008-01-28 09:33:19 | Telegraph (UK)
"I've spent the past few years trying to warn banks that they were exposed to this type of risk," says Edward Wilding, chief technical officer at Data Genetics International, a consultancy that helps organisations track down fraudsters.


"You just need to look at the likes of the Rusnak case and the Leeson case to see that these people have always been subjected to control procedures, they have just gone out of their way to get round them."


Wilding, who has written books on Leeson and Rusnak, adds: "Ever since 9/11 banks have been obsessing about the threats from bombs, and other terrorist-related threats. They have been building up their computer firewalls to protect themselves from malicious viruses and hackers. But it's always going to be the case that the greatest threat is already inside the firewall. Where there is a will, there is a way."


Kerviel spent six hours on Saturday afternoon attempting to explain himself to Mustier, according to sources close to the bank. He allegedly told Mustier how he had devised a new trading strategy. If he was left to trade his way out of the position he had found himself in, he would make the bank billions, he supposedly claimed.


Mustier grilled him over and over again. It still made no sense. Kerviel began to appear as a Walter Mitty character who had convinced himself that he was in the right, sources claim. The story grew ever more bizarre.


He allegedly confessed to how he used his knowledge of the trading systems to bypass the internal alarm systems. He supposedly admitted to inventing fake trades that gave the impression he was hedging his positions.


Investment banks are competitive institutions, who are usually only too keen to carp about one another. In this instance, no one is keen to gloat.


When Hank Paulson was still at the helm of Goldman Sachs, he had a theory regarding the risk of the firm succumbing to rogue traders. Paulson, now the US Treasury Secretary, often told friends that Goldman Sachs, with its workforce of 23,000, was a bit like a small town. "And every small town has its own jail," he would then add.


Every bank boss knows that anyone can fall victim to a rogue trader. But now that the world's biggest derivatives house has been stumped by some of the simplest trades it conducts, the future of SocGen is very much hanging in the balance.





詐欺師はただの迷惑な誇大妄想狂なのか 2

2008-01-28 09:33:05 | Telegraph (UK)
SocGen is an institution full of rocket scientists - quite literally. It is renowned for gathering academics from all varieties of mathematical disciplines and allowing them the freedom to devise financial products of dazzling complexity.


If you ask a typical London banker to describe a typical French banker, he will come up with an image of someone rather like Jean-Pierre Mustier. In the City, the phrase French banker is a synonym for a brainy guy who works in derivatives.


Cerebral and dapper, Mustier has long been considered the natural successor to SocGen's current chairman, Daniel Bouton.


The academic 45-year-old is France's answer to Bob Diamond, the boss of Barclays Capital. Mustier is considered one of the world's leading authorities on financial derivatives.


SocGen often takes credit for inventing derivatives.


And Mustier has been involved in the business ever since he joined the bank in 1986, after amassing an assortment of engineering degrees from the famous École Polytechnique, and the École des Mines in Paris.


It wasn't long before he was packed off to Philadelphia to set up a US derivatives business, where Mustier and one other colleague apparently worked for 20 hours a day in a basement office. Spells in London, Tokyo and Hong Kong followed with Mustier climbing the ranks.


He got his opportunity to move into the top job in investment banking following the tragic death of Xavier Dubonneuil, who was killed alongside his daughter in a car crash in the Loire Valley two days after Christmas 2002.

2002年のクリスマスから二日後に、Xavier Dubonneuilがロワール渓谷で自動車事故に遭い、娘と共に悲劇的な死を遂げた後、彼は投資銀行部門の最高職に就くチャンスを手にした。

Since then, Mustier has won endless plaudits for his running of the investment bank. He devised a programme called Turbo Growth Ventures, a pun on the name of France's high-speed train, the TGV.

彼はフランスの高速列車TGVの駄洒落で、ターボ・グロース・ベンチャーズ(Turbo Growth Ventures)と呼ばれるプログラムを考案した。

The plan was to have as many as 40 different TGVs running at one time to ensure that SocGen was constantly finding new products for its clients. But in the end, it wasn't one of the exotic, rocket-fuelled derivatives that holed Mustier's ambitions below the waterline. The trades at the heart of Kerviel's losses were simple bets on whether Europe's main stock exchanges would go up or down.


Kerviel was not even supposed to be trading in this way. He was only supposed to be hedging positions taken elsewhere in the bank's trading book. He was not one of the high-flying academics, but a computer expert who had used his technical expertise to work his way up from a back-office support job to the trading floor.


These were trades that should never have happened, conducted by someone who had no authority to make them, on systems he was not supposed to have access to.


The losses were bigger than anything racked up by Nick Leeson, when he brought down Barings; bigger than the currency losses racked up by John Rusnak, the rogue trader at the US arm of Allied Irish Bank - who hid details of his wrongdoings in a file labelled "fake documents".


詐欺師はただの迷惑な誇大妄想狂なのか 1

2008-01-28 09:32:20 | Telegraph (UK)
Jérôme Kerviel: Société Générale's €5bn fraudian slip
The French bank Société Générale's is famous for its derivatives, but it has been hit by a bet on European share indices. Iain Dey reports


As the trading books were being squared off for the day at Société Générale's Paris headquarters 10 days ago, a sharp-eyed compliance officer spotted something awry. Somehow or other, one of the bank's clients had gone over its trading limit - by billions and bilions of euros. Or so it seemed.


A short phone call later, the mystery deepened. The client on the other end of the phone line was baffled. There had been no such trade recorded at the other end of the deal - nothing even vaguely like it. Certainly not on that scale.


The compliance officer raised the alarm. A few hours later, it became apparent that this was not the only strange trade lurking in the SocGen accounts.


Jean-Pierre Mustier, the head of SocGen's investment banking business, was on his way home when his phone rang. He was sufficiently concerned to head back towards the SG Tower, an angular twin-turreted construction that rises above the La Défense business district of Paris.


By the time he strode through the door, dozens more suspicious entries began to emerge in the accounts. Mustier's team worked late into the night tracing the origins of the strange trades. By morning they had stumbled upon the name of the man who was soon to become a household name the world over. Jérôme Kerviel had been found out.


Now, three days after the scandal of the €4.9bn (£3.6bn) alleged fraud erupted into the public arena, questions are still being asked as to the true impact that this lowly 31-year-old trader may have had on the global markets. Kerviel's total trading exposures ran to some €40bn. Germany's DAX index plunged 7.2 per cent in Monday's trade, as SocGen began to unwind Kerviel's rogue trades. Meanwhile, the CAC in Paris fell 6.8 per cent, while the FTSE 100 suffered its biggest ever points fall, off some 5.3 per cent.


While a sell-off in Asia and fears of a broader credit collapse were already weighing on the markets, it is now apparent that the selling pressure arising from the SocGen scandal was killing off any hope of a rally.


European trading screens were still awash with red on Tuesday by the time that Ben Bernanke, the Governor of the US Federal Reserve, revealed plans to slash interest rates by 75 basis points - the biggest cut since 1984.


The French authorities had known about the SocGen affair since Sunday afternoon. The Federal Reserve was not formally notified until Wednesday morning. Bernanke announced his rate cut before Wall Street opened. The refusal of Europe's major markets to climb out of a funk was clearly a factor in the decision. Would Bernanke have behaved differently if he'd known that forced selling by one institution was choking Europe's major indices? Did this one rogue trader really spook the world's most powerful central bank into a knee-jerk rate cut?


"We could see that there was something going on in the market at the start of the week," said one London-based trader familiar with European index futures. "Everyone was blaming futures for the fall in the market. We could see that all these European options were being dumped. The continental European markets were falling faster than everywhere else at that point."


A senior director at a major French investment bank added: "The index futures market was definitely a big factor in Monday's sell-off. Now it looks like a lot of that was down to SocGen clearing their books because of this guy's positions.


SocGen must have told Jean-Claude Trichet [the head of the European Central Bank] what they were doing - or you would like to think they would have done, anyway. Did Bernanke know what was going on?"
