

ドイツ: German 'Butterbrot'

2017-09-30 18:42:27 | 日記
2017年9月30日(Sat.) 早いもので今日で9月も終り、光陰矢のごとし・・・でしょうか。 我が家ではフォールディング・バイク(折りたたみ型自転車)の使い方に慣れるため、家内と近くの公園まで出かけて、その操作方法などを確認、秋の一日でした。

さて、ドイツのパンに関する話題がUPされています。 ( ニュースソース: DW-DE 9月29日 )

Celebrating the German 'Butterbrot'

It's traditional fare for young and old alike: A slice of fresh bread spread with nothing but butter. That's the basic version – join us for more on the Day of the German "Butterbrot"!

Single topping
Stulle, Bemme, Bütterken, Knifte – a simple slice of buttered bread has many names all over the country. Despite the wealth of fast snacks available everywhere, it's still a classic at any time of the day. The CMA agriculture marketing group declared the Day of the German Butterbrot in 1999. The CMA no longer exists, but the day celebrating Germany's buttered bread lives on.
(注&抜粋)地方によって色々な呼び方があるようです。 the Day of the German Butterbrot が設定されたのは1999年、しかし、その組織は現在存在していませんが、ドイツのバターパンは生き続けています。

Evening meal
Germans eat one hot meal a day, so bread with butter and a slice of cold meat or cheese is a common German evening meal - it really is called "Abendbrot," evening bread. Unlike a sandwich, the traditional Butterbrot has few, if any, other toppings.

Endangered species?
Butterbrot fans created a website where they campaign for the preservation of the traditional buttered slices of rye bread "in the era of baguettes, sandwiches and croissants." They post recipes, art, quotes, literature and cartoons – and profess: "Yes, we butter our bread slices!" Above, the bread is spread with delicious Schmalz: rendered pork fat.
(抜粋)絶滅危惧品種? : 一部のファンは、レシピを website にUPしてPRしています。 写真はライ麦パンに塗ったもの。

The Butterbrot has a fancy party variety, too, often seen on buffet tables. In the 1970s, when entire families sat glued to the TV on Saturday evenings, moms would prepare and serve plates of sliced, cut and topped bread.
(注)こんな楽しみ方もあります。 1970年代には、土曜日の夜、テレビの前に家族中が集まって、そして、お母さんがこうしたものを用意したそうです。

Bavarian specialty
Hearty, solid food: the Bavarian Brotzeit (again, bread is a staple ingredient) is a snack that was originally munched between breakfast and lunch, but is now widely available at any time of the day in southern Germany.

If you peek into children's and teenagers' school bags, you can be sure to find one or two "Butterbrote," usually not just the buttered kind but topped with cheese, cold cuts, jam or a gooey chocolate spread. It's a common second breakfast at work and on trips for adults, too.

'I love Butterbrot'
Many years ago, my grandmother in the western city of Dortmund would invariably make us kids slices of buttered bread ("Bütterken") for the road after a visit, for our two-hour drive back home. Stuffed as we were after lunch, cake and Abendbrot – there was always room for another Butterbrot.


ドイツのスライスしたライ麦パンにバターを塗ったパンを食べたことがあるでしょうか。 宣伝ではありませんが、名古屋の名東区・フライベッカーサヤには、本場仕込みのものが売られています(営業日: 金・土のみ、ブログに営業情報が開示されます)。 シンプルですが、それ故に美味しいもので、飽きも来ません。


*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。
