オサンポ walk - 露草畑 a Commelina communis garden

2016年10月02日 | 日記

Under the street tree
There is a garden
Of Commelina communis

その木の根元にだけ、露草畑になっていました。何でしょう? よっぽど気に入った、条件が良かった? 朝方に降ったらしき雨粒がまだ露草の上に撒かれたままになっていて、見た目が涼しげでした。

Only this tree had the garden. Commelina communis, do they like there? The place had a good condition? Many rain drops that were produced by the raining in the morning, were on them, it looked cool.
By the way, I haven't seen any sparrows since this morning. Once I have them in my mind, it's difficult to forget. Hello---sparrows---where are you---?
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