オサンポ walk - 風のない晴れの日 it's a fine day with no wind

2018年06月04日 | 日記

It's a fine day
Without winds
There is only one bird

とか考えていると、斜め後方から小さくツピツピと一羽のシジュウカラ。スズメは? と思っていると、カラスが一羽電灯の上に。君か! っと証拠(?)写真を撮ろうとして白い月に気が付き、気を取られているうちに君は隣の樹に飛び移った。

There is no winds... whenever I think so, I remember of “Nausicaa (of the Valley of the Wind)". She was surprised when she knew there was no winds in the film.
Then, I heard a little tweets from the back of me, it's a Great tit. How about sparrows? I found one crow on the streetlamp. As I was going to photograph him(her?), I noticed the white moon in the sky, gave it a glance, he flew up and moved to on the tree nearby.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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