日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋170 lost glove170

2018年04月16日 | 日記

There is an odd glove
Dropped on the road
It's for winter, in April

まだ冬用の手袋が落ちている…頃、そんな頃? 「ビックリボシ」(前日のこのブログをご参照下さい…) の影響か、余波なのか、腰痛もちっぽくなってしまっている…今日この頃? なんのせいでせう、ストレス…??

It's now already April but I saw the glove for winter. I've put my back out on last Tuesday, since then, I've got some of back pains. Why...? It might cause by a lots of stress at work??

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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