オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower flowers チョイトマソン is it like Tomason?

2014年11月07日 | 日記

It's now late autumn
I enjoy finding a thing
It is like Tomason

It was the same day as I went to the exhibition of Genpei Akasegawa. Before going, I found something funny covers which were made of wood by hands. They were just sized to the two square holes, it seed something channel or gas pips under the covers. Looked at them, the left one was broken at around the edge, some small plants were popping out. Looked at on the right one, there were also small plants popping out. Oh. At first, I noticed the covers were interesting, finally I found those plants. Natures. Natures are more interesting artificial. What do you think?
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