オサンポ walk - 虫bug : アリの巣穴 An ant nest

2020年06月20日 | 日記
This ant nest
Looks like a human face
But it will be disappeared




そしてこの先、どんな顔?が現れるのか?! このアリの巣がある道を通る度に覗き込むのを楽しみにしていたのですが…。


ハリネズミどころか、巣自体が本当に、「もうない」になってしまいました。寂しぃ。ですが、万事畢竟「祇園精舎の鐘の声 諸行無情の響きあり」ですもんね、仕方ないですね…。

When I found it in the first time, there were three holes, it looked like a face of hedgehog but around a week later, it looked like a man’s face.
Also looked like Face on Mars.
Anyway, after than, it’d been changing. The holes became just one, and was buried with rain. But the nest got one hole again but soon buried, not sure with rain or human’s step on.
Finally, the ants belonged to the nest gave up keeping it then they left. I feel sad but it would be the impermanence of all things.

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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