オスズメ見なくね?23 we haven't seen many sparrows

2017年07月09日 | 日記

In July
Some sparrows
Waking up by their songs

夏場と言いますか、真冬以外、意識して目をこらし耳をすましていると、まあ案外とスズメいるかも? っと思えて、この頃は気持ちが安心しています。繁殖の時期というのもあるんですかな。子すずめが巣立って親のそばにいれば羽数が増えたように見えるのかも知れませんが…。でも何となくですが、何羽か固まって行動しているようなとき、昔は4-5羽いたような? 今はそれが2-3羽のような? この写真にには2羽しか写っていませんが、何とか(?)3羽いました。(撮っている間に逃げられました…相変わらず逃げ足が速いんだもの) 曖昧な記憶に基づく観察なので何とも言えませんが…。

Not winter, during other seasons, when I try to see and catch their songs...sparrows, I think it wouldn't be so difficult to find them, I am happy with that. Nowadays, it's their breeding time. When baby birds, leave a nest, moving with their parents together, it seems many. But I'm not sure about my memories about sparrows when I was student... I think they have 4-5 in one group but now 2-3. I'm not sure at all... In the photo, there were 3, but only 2. (They are really good at running away...as usual). My unsure observations will be able to get an answer...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.

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