新築 なっても
Yaesu Book Centre
Has a new building
There is still Kinjiro Ninomiya
チョット前に東京駅に行った時に、八重洲ブックセンターが新しいビルになっててビツクリしました。見上げるとガラス窓が多く使われていて現代風。しかし足元を見つめると出入り口側に「二宮金次郎」さんが。(ネットでチョット調べたら、1枚¥100の金箔を貼れるとか何とか) (由来をお知りになりたい方はご自分で) 「器が新しくなっても、根っこの部分は忘れない」とか? って像の前を通り過ぎる時はそんな風に考えたりしたんですが、会長が建てたモノだから粗末にデキンみたいなトコもあるのかしら~とか、後から考えました。
When I went to around Tokyo station, I was surprised Yaesu Book Centre had a new building. It had many glass windows, modern designed. When I looked at the entrance, there was the statue of Kinjiro Ninomiya ( if you are interested in, you could visit at http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninomiya_Sontoku ). I checked about him a little bit on some websites. The boss of company set him there. Before I knew it, I thought that even the building became new, we never forgot our original policy, something like that. But it wouldn't be... (?).
新築 なっても
Yaesu Book Centre
Has a new building
There is still Kinjiro Ninomiya
チョット前に東京駅に行った時に、八重洲ブックセンターが新しいビルになっててビツクリしました。見上げるとガラス窓が多く使われていて現代風。しかし足元を見つめると出入り口側に「二宮金次郎」さんが。(ネットでチョット調べたら、1枚¥100の金箔を貼れるとか何とか) (由来をお知りになりたい方はご自分で) 「器が新しくなっても、根っこの部分は忘れない」とか? って像の前を通り過ぎる時はそんな風に考えたりしたんですが、会長が建てたモノだから粗末にデキンみたいなトコもあるのかしら~とか、後から考えました。
When I went to around Tokyo station, I was surprised Yaesu Book Centre had a new building. It had many glass windows, modern designed. When I looked at the entrance, there was the statue of Kinjiro Ninomiya ( if you are interested in, you could visit at http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninomiya_Sontoku ). I checked about him a little bit on some websites. The boss of company set him there. Before I knew it, I thought that even the building became new, we never forgot our original policy, something like that. But it wouldn't be... (?).