昨日のNo.2 で花の名前を教えてくれるアプリのことに触れましたが、そのアプリの名称は、hananonaでした。
それでですね、これはいいぞと調子に乗って、この「黄色いのは知ってるけど、お試しで」なんて遊んでみたら、「カッコウアザミ」と出ました。「カッコウ・・・? アザミ?」
I wrote about the app that told us names of plant, it was "hananona".
I thought that the app was cool so I tried to search that yellow flower in the photo though I knew it was dandelion. The app answered it was Ageratum that I'd never heard, I checked it on the internet, the flower was violet but the appearance was the similar.
I though that the app was wrong! But I would have imagined that the app might have told me, "You knew that flower. How about this flower?"
That was the app's witty response...?
I guessed so.
*not sure about my English...