猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 : 谷中 outdoor cat: Yanaka in Tokyo

2015年11月05日 | 日記

In November
I went to Yanaka in Tokyo
There were few cats

"夕やけだんだん"で寝ていたたった一匹の猫が、カップルに長時間占領されていて近寄れなかった。(…) 猫自体はいるらしいンですけど、最近はヒトが増えちゃって朝方とかにしか寄って来にゃいとか。(朝メシもらってンすかね) なので、年季の入ってそーな木像の猫でガマン。
最近はパンダもブームなのか(上野動物園に来てから?) 店頭で顔を多く見せているのはパンダでした。
There was only one cat that was sleeping in the steps ( we call it Yuyake-dandan, it means that you can see a nice viewing of sunset glow from here. It is also famous for many cats gathering ), the couple occupied the cat, I could not take a photo. There are many cat, but nowadays, we have a chance to see them only early morning. Because too many people come in town, cats don't like them. I photographed that wooden statues instead of reals cats.
Recently, panda seems to be booming because Ueno Zoo has had the couple panda? There were many toy pandas in front of the shops.
Yanaka is close to Ueno Zoo.
Panda-meow. (?)
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