オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect いろいろ various

2014年10月05日 | 日記
蝉 今日の雨に

Yesterday, many cicadas were singing
It's raining today
They are quiet

昨日は、午前中は晴れたけど午後にかけて曇ってきて…涼しいなと思わせる夕方の17時過ぎ、まだツクツクボウシが鳴いていました。そして今日は台風18号の影響で一日中雨…雨…。蝉は当然鳴いて鳴くって、とここまで書いてきてからふと思い付きました。もしかしたら、今日の雨を感じ取っていて、あんな風に夕方いっぱいまで鳴いていたのかしら…? 今日は雨で鳴けんぞいィ。なんてなんて、すぐ物語にしてしまう無駄(?)な想像力がありまして…。雨だけど近所のドラッグストアまで、今日はポイントが5倍になるポイントデー、傘と合羽と長靴で武装して行って来ました。その帰り道、マリーゴールド(だと思うのですが)の花の中心部に埋没している緑色の金文=かなぶん(の仲間?)を二匹発見。なんでしょう? 二匹とも、蜜吸っているうちに眠気がさして寝ちゃいました? 雨の日は寝てヨウビ? 蝉もお休みしてますもんね。
Yesterday, it was fine in the morning but the afternoon, it was cloudy, getting cooler. Few minutes after 17pm, some cicadas were still singing. Today, we've got the 18th typhoon, it has given us heavy raining. So that, the cicadas were not singing ... I suddenly noticed, did they know about today's raining? That's why, they were singing until the evening... Well, I think I've got lots of imaginations... don't I? Anyway, I went shopping at the drugstore, when I came back on my way home, I found two bugs that were in the centre of flowers. Oh? Were they falling asleep as consuming nectars from the flowers? When it's raining, it'd better stay at home then go to bed. The cicadas were also having a rest.
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