日乗 my diary - Crashed

2013年11月06日 | 日記

余談ですが、それは突然やってくるんですね。ナンノ前触れもナク。画面が急に切り替わって、ソレは宇宙人のハッキングを受けてるヨウでした。急に画面が黒くなると、白いアップルマークがふぅっと浮かび上がり、ふぅっと消えたかと思うと、縞模様の縦線や、大きな四角に赤とか緑とかの色のついた背景にアップルマークが浮かだかと思うと消える。そんなことが1時間以上続いたあと、ダメかねこりゃ.....と思ってイタラ、20分間ぐらい、復活したんです。その間、写真も撮って、ネット検索もシテ、ゲームもシテ...。デモそれが、最後っぺデシタ.....。さらばよ、初めてのアイホンだったアイホン1号! ソシテよろしくねのアイホン2号!!

My iPhone5 was suddenly crushed in this morning. Some strange images appeared on my screen, such as there were the apple mark in the black...for over one hour. After that, suddenly it was back to usual but after 20 mins, turned to the strange images then...it had gone to the heave with my data.
My data. We should save the all data of iPhone on the other device. We must.
Oh my God.
I have got a new free-charged iPhone5 - because of the insurance - without any previous data.
I missed the previous one. It was my first iPhone. But now, ok then,
say Good-bye to iPhone No.1, nice to meet iPhone No.2!!!
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