猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 : 遠くから outdoor cat: far from

2015年11月19日 | 日記
猫発見 嬉々

I found a cat
From far
I'm happy to see

道の先に猫発見! ナンテ素敵。行っちゃうかな行っちゃうかな、とドキドキしながら近づいて、お、逃げない。後ろから走ってきた自転車にも驚かずどかず自転車のおばちゃんの方が驚いて自転車止めたら、やっとどいて、どいたと思ったら近くの低木で爪とぎですよ。

I was happy to find a cat down the footpath! The cat might have gone away, away, I was nervous about that but the cat still stayed. From behind, the old woman who was riding a bicycle then getting close to the cat(he?), he didn't move. When the woman was surprised about him, then stopped, he got a move finally, he eventually started scratching his nails on the tree.
I'd like to take his photos, yes did that, he was watching me and seemed to say like what you are doing.


After that, he was gone and said good-bye.
I hope to see you again.
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