IWAKO's eraser, it's Chinese!
Three foods in the package
Found in a big DAISO Shop
近所のDAISOでは手詰まりになっていた「おもしろけしごむ」3つセットシリーズが、でっかいDAISOに行ったら、「中華」とか、あるんじゃありませんかっ! っと、このラーメンはいくつもあるけど、ピンクの「小籠包」と「チャーハン」はまだじゃんっ! っと嬉々として買ってしまって写真撮りまくりん。どんだけ好きやねん…。
I haven't found anything "new" IWAKO erasers in the DAISO shop near my house. When I went to a bigger one, I found it! This Chinese set of dishes! I've got many this ramens but hadn't got a dumpling and a fried rice with vegetables. I was happy and excited with that, I took many photos of them.
I believe that they are photogenic. I photographed them with those souvenirs, a post card and pandas from Hong Kong. And, I've already got a shao mai, put it together.
I'd like to photograph them in other angles.
I'm impressed about the details of those bamboo basket steamers. It's copied successfully.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
IWAKO's eraser, it's Chinese!
Three foods in the package
Found in a big DAISO Shop
近所のDAISOでは手詰まりになっていた「おもしろけしごむ」3つセットシリーズが、でっかいDAISOに行ったら、「中華」とか、あるんじゃありませんかっ! っと、このラーメンはいくつもあるけど、ピンクの「小籠包」と「チャーハン」はまだじゃんっ! っと嬉々として買ってしまって写真撮りまくりん。どんだけ好きやねん…。
I haven't found anything "new" IWAKO erasers in the DAISO shop near my house. When I went to a bigger one, I found it! This Chinese set of dishes! I've got many this ramens but hadn't got a dumpling and a fried rice with vegetables. I was happy and excited with that, I took many photos of them.
I believe that they are photogenic. I photographed them with those souvenirs, a post card and pandas from Hong Kong. And, I've already got a shao mai, put it together.
I'd like to photograph them in other angles.
I'm impressed about the details of those bamboo basket steamers. It's copied successfully.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.