オサンポ walk - クリデコ decorations for Christmas

2016年12月13日 | 日記

This winter also
There are some light decorations
Until Christmas

設置する時間も三日くらいかかっていて、今年はサンタさんはいないのか…? と訝しんでいると最後にソリに乗って登場してたり、と、ローテク&ローカルな感じでいいです。

There are a place where some light decorations for Christmas near my house. They use the same decorations every year but they slightly change the places where they put on the decorations. When I saw and passing by the working for that I've some ideas. I thought that they had a plan for decorating. But I think that it depends on the worker's sense. He could decide where the decorations put on...
They usually spend three days for that, as my observation, in the beginning, when I'm wondering if there is a Santa Claus...? Then finally he appears with his sledge. I like this decorations ...as low-tech and local.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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