Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

外国人犯罪突出神話の崩壊 他

2010年03月04日 21時10分22秒 | Weblog



Talk TV sensationalists and axe-grinding ideologues have fallen for a myth of immigrant lawlessness.




According to Lou Dobbs, “a third of the prison population in this country is estimated to be illegal aliens,” and Glenn Beck regularly warns of “an illegal alien crime wave.” Congressman Tom Tancredo insists, “The face of illegal immigration on our borders is one of murder, one of drug smuggling, one of vandalism for all the communities along the border, and one of infiltration of people coming into this country for purposes to do us great harm.” Michelle Malkin adds an even more terrifying note, calling our borders “open channels not only for illegal aliens and drug smugglers, but terrorists, too.” Even as far back as 2000, the highly regarded General Social Survey found that 73 percent of Americans believed that immigration caused higher crime rates, a level of concern considerably greater than fears about job losses or social unity.




While there is a widespread popular impression that immigrants, especially illegal immigrants, have a propensity for violent crime, actual studies almost invariably come to the opposite conclusion: for almost every ethnic group, Hispanic or otherwise, immigrant generations have lower rates of criminal behavior than their American-born children.


The evidence presented here powerfully refutes the widespread popular belief that America’s Hispanics have high crime rates. Instead, their criminality seems to fall near the center of the white national distribution, being somewhat higher than white New Englanders but somewhat lower than white Southerners. Taken as a whole, the mass of statistical evidence constitutes strong support for the “null hypothesis,” namely that Hispanics have approximately the same crime rates as whites of the same age.
 We must bear in mind that most Hispanics are still of very recent immigrant origins and thus are considerably poorer than the average American. There actually does exist a connection between poverty and crime, even if liberals make such a claim, and since today’s Hispanic population has roughly the same crime rate as far more affluent whites, there is every reason to expect that this crime rate will drop further as Hispanics continue to move up the economic ladder.


・・・・ まず、保守系のサイトでこうした記事が掲載された、というところが面白い。

 さらに、アメリカでは、外国人移民=犯罪者 という印象が広く行き渡っている、というところに注目したい。









Tags: Juan
Posted on February 20, 2010 by juan

Today we drove to Nahunta, GA where the Ku Klux Klan was organizing an anti-immigrant demostration, under the premise that “God put each race in their respective continent and they were meant to stay there. “



Indian cricketers cancel tour to Australia
South East Asia News.Net
Wednesday 3rd March, 2010 (IANS)

A group of Indian cricketers from academies in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh cancelled a tour to Australia due to safety concerns linked to attacks on Indians there, an official said.

Bruce Adams, the organiser of a tour of up-and-comers, said: 'Cricket is the greatest tie we have between the two countries.'

The Age reported Wednesday that the tour for 18- to 24-year-olds was scheduled to promote goodwill, pitching first-grade Indian players against local cricket teams in Canberra.

Security concerns forced six players to withdraw, the media report said. 'It's really disappointing. There was nothing I could say to change their minds.

'This is a massive wake-up call for Australia to take responsibility for the actions of everyone,' The Age quoted Adams as saying.



Elections: Liberals, Wilders big winners

Thursday 04 March 2010

The two Liberal parties VVD and D66 emerged as the big winners in the local elections on Wednesday, making gains in district, town and city councils nationwide.

And Geert Wilders' anti-Islam PVV became the biggest party in Almere and number two in the Hague, the only two cities where it took part.

Big gains for far-right leader Geert Wilders as Dutch go to the polls
Anti-Muslim populist looks to dominate political landscape as general election looms
an Traynor, Europe editor
The Guardian, Thursday 4 March 2010

Geert Wilders, the Dutch far-right anti-immigrant maverick, scored big gains in yesterday's local elections in the Netherlands, according to projections last night, indicating he may dominate the political scene in the run-up to the general election in three months.

オランダ ヘルト・ウィルダース率いるオランダの反移民極右政党が地方議会選挙で躍進。総選挙でも優位にたつかもしれない、と。



