Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2009年03月31日 02時23分21秒 | Weblog

Everyday racism in China
From the early eighties, when African students could still study for free at the Beida University in Beijing, discrimination against Africans in China was reported in the international media. Since then, the story has been regularly repeated.

Just before the Beijing Olympics, racism was front page news again. In the bars of Sanlitun, the downtown area for foreigners, they were systematically denied entrance, just as in the discos of the capital.

In May and October last year, the police held a large-scale raid among Africans in Guangzhou. In the local media they were depicted as drug-dealers and pimps. Also many Chinese youngsters distrust Africans.
"You know what they are doing here. They trade in drugs and girls. In their neighbourhood Dengfeng you can't go out in the street at night. Too dangerous",
says Mi Mi (24). She is a receptionist in an apartment block that carries the suitable name World Peace Hotel.
"Could I marry an African? Have you gone mad? No, interracial marriages between Chinese and Africans happen hardly ever or never. With Europeans, that's a different story."
Has she ever been in the African neighbourhood? She shyly shrugs her shoulders. 魚拓


The Scots pilot suing for racism after being told: 'Your country's a welfare state paid for by the English middle classes'

Last updated at 1:55 PM on 18th March 2009

'Can you translate that' remark to Scottish activist
Last updated at 2:29 PM on 15th March 2009
The most senior Labour Party official in Britain was caught up in a bizarre racism row last night after he was accused of insulting people who speak with a Scottish accent.

Mrs Fee, a Glasgow-based shop steward with shop workers’ union USDAW, told The Mail on Sunday: ‘I heard Mr Collins’s remarks clearly. I was upset by what he said and considered it to be racist. The man had a normal Scottish accent and most people could understand him perfectly well.’ Several delegates were said to have complained that Mr Collins’s conduct was ‘anti-Scottish’.


Controversial Police Flier Racist or Fair?

Seeking to gain public support in its fight with the City Council over proposed compensation cuts, the labor union representing Escondido police officers mailed a provocative flier this past weekend claiming that "gang members outnumber police officers by almost 6 to 1," reported the North County Times.


Vermont Student Charged with Hate Crime WCAX News

March 18, 2009 at 4:24 AM seattletimes

A Twin Valley High School student has been charged with a hate-motivated crime for allegedly attacking a black student in the school cafeteria.

Police say 18-year-old Nicholas Dow, of East Dover, punched a student, pulled his hair and threatened him with a box cutter, saying he hated black people.

The incident occurred Feb. 19, but police say Vice Principal Vicky Lynde didn't learn of it until March 16, when the victim told her and she called the Wilmington Police Department.

Dow is charged with aggravated assault, possession of a dangerous weapon in a school building and hate-motivated crime.


 by Nathan Gonzalez - Mar. 18, 2009 11:39 AM
The Arizona RepublicMar. 18, 2009

Over eight years, the nation's hate groups have grown 54 percent since 2000, according to a report published by the Alabama-based Southern Poverty Law Center.

In Mesa, the study identified the Nationalist Coalition, a neo-Nazi group, and the Vinlanders Social Club, a group labeled racist skinhead.


Baltimore officers accused of forcing colleague to view racist material may face suspension ( March 18, 2009 at 8:04 AM The seattle times)


Losing the battle against anti-black hate crime
Blacks are the third-largest visible minority in Canada, exceeded only by the Chinese and South Asian communities. And yet 48 per cent of the victims of racially motivated hate crime are black. By comparison, at a distant 13 per cent, South Asians are the second most frequent victims of such crime.

What's worse, anti-black hate crime is on the rise, according to Statistics Canada data.魚拓

Police officers in abuse case accused of 60 other assaults
Met reveals four were subject of dozens of allegations by black or Asian men


Housing Bias Seen as Persistent
Published: March 20, 2009

The report is based on a study that Erase Racism commissioned from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, which rated the experiences and perceptions of 256 African-Americans and 238 Latinos, finding that 40 percent of the former and 21 percent of the latter said they had experienced housing discrimination by real estate agents, white landlords or homeowners.魚拓


Racism A Real Everyday Threat
Created: 3/21/2009 6:44:58 AM
There are at least 10 Native American victims in a spree of b-b gun shootings. And while many Native Americans are relieved police have taken action, there is still an overwhelming sense of fear and anger. Racism remains a real and terrifying part of their everyday lives, with much of it going unreported.

Princess Plainsbull Martin and her mother Karmelita won’t soon forget how an afternoon stroll on Sunday turned into a traumatic event….

From there the two ran to a safe place and called for help.

Police say the teens responsible also threw urine and shot at nine other native americans on East Boulevard.

These aren’t isolated incidents however. Princess and her mother say even before the shooting they took back roads on their walk home to avoid harassment.

Native American advocate Laurette Pourier says she takes racial reports on a regular basis…    魚拓


University 'failed to tackle racism'

Published Date: 21 March 2009

By John Roberts Education Correspondent
A YORKSHIRE university suffered from a "systemic and institutional failure" to confront racism, bullying and harassment of staff over six years, an independent review panel has found.

A woman has been treated in hospital after being subjected to a racially motivated attack in Aberdeen.
The 23-year-old was assaulted and racially abused by three women near the St Machar roundabout in King Street at about 1030 GMT on Monday


Grampian (Roinn a' Mhonaidh in Gaelic) was a local government region of Scotland from 1975 to 1996

UK. 大学で虐めやハラスメントが横行していたのに、対処していなかった、という


