Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Japan is ”weird”. Why are amature anthropologists popular in English media?

2017年10月30日 11時12分58秒 | Weblog

Karoushi is a big issue in Japan. There's no doubt about it.

I have a friend who works overtime; he works overtime and often stay overnight at the company. But he has no time-for that matter, no luxury-- for over drinking and sleeping at the station or on the street.

Over drinking is one thing and overwork is another.

Nearly half of U.S. workers say they routinely put in more than 50 hours on the job each week, often without overtime pay.

In a Gallup poll last year, 4 in 10 Americans said they work more than 50 hours every week, and 2 in 10 more than 60 hours. The average work week was 47 hours.


結 果 の 概 要

総数 100.0 9.1 4.2 33.5 24.5 17.2 5.8 5.4

Less than 2 in 10 Japanese work more than 60 hours.



If overwork and binge drinking are killing people, lot more Americans than Japanese might be dying from them.
It might be just that U.S. for instance, just does not bother to estimate a death toll from overwork. Karoushi may not be a big concern for them.

(Japan is weird)



