Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

you gaijin!!

2010年10月28日 11時43分37秒 | Weblog
you gaijin!!!



Level3 Says:
October 28th, 2010 at 2:58 am

And we assume that just because they removed the line from the website, they are also changing their policy? I mean, it would be nice to be able to assume that.

In a way, I tend to appreciate racists at least being publicly racist, so we can know who and what they are. Tales from Hello Work seem to indicate that many more employers will not hire gaijin anyway, but don’t advertise that fact. Entrenched stealth racism only becomes apparent when gaijin happen to apply for work.

When they’re dumb enough to admit it openly, going to court becomes easier. If they don’t advertise their racist policy, they can always claim (just as sexists, ageists, classists, etc. always do) that the person isn’t a victim of a universal policy of discrimination, but that the individual just “isn’t qualified” or was “less qualified” than the successful, majority race applicants. The employer just rewrites the evaluation system so that the minority applicant gets fewer points than the majority applicant.

– I see. So more fool us people only trying to help others through our “tiny” efforts, for they wind up driving these discriminators’ practices into the woodwork. Yet open discrimination merely enables what you call “tiny” court cases anyway. Best to let it lie out in the open and do nothing about it? You speak with confused (and forked) tongue.

Have fun looking for a job after you finish your college degree in Japan. And don’t bother asking us for help later. Just appreciate the racists, you gaijin.

1) 日本人限定の記載は消えたが、だからといって不当な差別がなくなるものではない、と。
2) 論者は、記載があった方が、誰が人種差別的かはっきりしてかえってよい、という。

1)に関してはその通りで、社会的な圧力、あるいは、Political correctness で、表だった差別行為は少なくなっても、洗練された不当な差別というのは残存する。



Have fun looking for a job after you finish your college degree in Japan. And don’t bother asking us for help later. Just appreciate the racists, you gaijin.

学校卒業して就活のとき楽しんでくれよ。後になって、おれらに援助をもとめるなよ。そのとき、レイシストに感謝するんだな、you gaijin 、と


For gaijin is essentially "n--ger"

Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2008

Once a 'gaijin,' always a 'gaijin'


「外人」はnigger と同じだと、言っていたののですが・・・・


 Japan Times はこのような人物をコラミニストにかかえています。

 大丈夫か?Japan Times



