Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

No one wants to be America, anymore

2013年07月19日 00時01分07秒 | Weblog
THURSDAY, JUL 18, 2013 08:45 PM +0900
They still hate us: No one wants to be America, anymore
Forget the standard lunacy that emerging nations "hate our freedoms." They just don't want to be Westernized


Have you ever wondered why so many non-Western people harbor such visceral dislike of Western nations, and almost always the United States more than any other? The standard answer, never more clearly articulated than after the Sept. 11 attacks, is that these people envy us. “They hate our freedoms,” George W. Bush advised. “They want our stuff,” a columnist wrote (only half in jest, sadly). They aspire to be “just like us,” as an older formulation has it.

Utterances such as these are versions of what the scholars used to call “modernization theory,” an ideological swamp it is best not to wade far into. The thesis is that to modernize one must Westernize. If you want to progress, you have to progress the way we Westerners progressed, because we invented “progress” and “the modern” and other such things.

Modernization theory was a Cold War construct, and it held for a time. Postwar Japan is a noted example, which is why Japan today is so wrenchingly confused as to what it is and what it is supposed to do. Some of Europe’s former colonies, achieving independence in the Cold War decades, tried it on, too ― usually to no brilliant result.

 アメリカは嫌われているのはなぜか、アメリカのようになりたくてなれないんで、アメリカが羨ましいんだ、という人がいる。そういった考えには 現代化する、というのは、西洋化する、という前提があり、進歩したければ、西洋風に進歩するものだ、という前提がある、と。だが、 ”進歩”や”現代”というのもは、西洋人の都合のいいように作られた観念なのだ、と。日本などは、西洋風に、現代化=西洋化しようとした例であるが、それゆえに、現在の日本も混乱している、と。

Two problems now linger. One is that too many Westerners, especially those who determine foreign policies, still accept this rubbish as a given. The other is that Westernized elites in emerging countries ― Egypt and Turkey are glow-in-the-dark examples, but there are numerous others ― buy into the same thinking, and so are unwilling to accept the aspirations of their own majorities.



Here is the rub, the task, the thing that needs to be grasped: Modernization has to be separated from Westernization if it is going to occur constructively from here on out. Making the two equivalent is a 500-year-old habit among Westerners, begun when Vasco da Gama landed in India in 1498. My candidate for the greatest distinction of our time is that people will be able to become modern while keeping their own cultures, traditions, histories, values and so on.










