Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

US Navy Nuclear Attack Submarine USS Cheyenne visits Sasebo amid tensions with NK

2017年04月21日 20時12分37秒 | Weblog

軍事評論家・岡部 いさく氏は、「潜水艦で無線・電波情報を集めたか、潜望鏡でのぞいたか、そういう情報を急いで送らなきゃならない。あまりに重要なので、無線通信で傍受されたり、届かなかったりすると困る」と語った。

シャイアンまた一時寄港 /長崎 毎日新聞2017年4月19日  




2017年04月21日 18時04分02秒 | Weblog

"Our airline crews won't beat you," Abe's deputy tells a U.S. audience https://bloom.bg/2pJUcjb @businessさんから

"Airline crew will not beat you,


Its people are "graceful" even amid hardship, worker morale is high,

"Our social fabric has not been torn apart,"

"It is no wonder that in Ginza, the posh night-life district, you now see fewer chauffeur driven cars, and more and more coaches filled with Chinese shoppers," Aso said. "Do I miss the Ginza of days gone by? Of course I do."

Last year he called securities workers shady characters and he once asked why old people were worried about making ends meet given they won’t be around much longer, according to local media. On another occasion, Aso said the government could learn ways to change the constitution from the Nazis, a remark which caused a furor and was later retracted.


Thousands of Civilians in Seoul will be be killed in the first hours of the conflict

2017年04月21日 14時01分11秒 | Weblog



The core belief underlying these assumptions is that North Korea’s supreme leader, Kim Jong-un, is primarily motivated by regime survival and as a consequence would not unnecessarily expose Pyongyang to a U.S. nuclear attack and immediately escalate the conflict to the nuclear level as long as he assumes that he can retain a second-strike capability. Furthermore, under this scenario, Kim assumes that South Korean and American war plans do not entail his removal from power (which, not only due to recent comments by U.S. President Donald Trump, may be a flawed assumption).

The primary objective of the invasion would be to seize Seoul and hold it as long as possible while inflicting maximum damage on the South’s civilian and military infrastructure. Capturing even a portion of the city would not only be an important propaganda victory, but also guarantee the most costly and casualty heavy form of modern warfare to occur on South Korean soil–urban combat.

Assuming that around 70 percent of long-range systems are operational, and factoring in gun crew training (assumed to be mediocre at best) as well as a 15 to 25 percent detonation failure rate of KPA artillery shells, ROK /U.S. forces and civilians in Seoul would still be exposed to a deadly barrage that could kill thousands if not tens of thousands in the first hours of the conflict before KPA artillery is either taken out or has to withdraw due to the fear of being destroyed by counterbattery fire. This analysis also assumes that the KPA will fire chemical shells into Seoul (the North’s chemical weapons stockpile includes mustard gas, sarin, and VX nerve agent) further increasing the chances of mass civilian casualties. The psychological impact of chemical warfare would be immense: One chemical shell exploding in Seoul would be enough to create a civilian mass panic and delay ROK/U.S. forces’ ground movement.

The much debated casualty rate in Seoul will above all depend on the speed of ROK/U.S. counterattacks and the concerted evacuation efforts of Seoul’s civilian authorities.

In addition to artillery strikes, North Korea would launch hundreds of ballistic missiles against civilian targets. (The Diplomat analysis assumes that given the purported inaccuracy of most North Korean ballistic missiles, KPA leadership will use the majority of missiles in countervalue attacks.) The North would not launch its entire ballistic missile arsenal in the initial attack but retain a strike capability for future use. Nevertheless, a salvo of hundreds of conventional ballistic missiles would not only overwhelm ROK and U.S. ballistic missile defense, but would also increase the chance of one of the KPA’s estimated 150 chemical warheads reaching its target — presumably against Seoul. (Other targets might not only include Busan and Incheon but also Tokyo and U.S. military installations in Japan.)

Whether North Korea would succeed in capturing Seoul remains doubtful. From a conventional military perspective, the last decade has seen a decisive shift in favor of the ROK and the United States. It is also far from clear why Kim Jong-un would order such an assault, which would expose a large part of his military (not to mention North Korea’s civilian population) to destruction. The only plausible reason would be that the dictator becomes convinced the United States is on the verge of launching a military campaign against the DPRK. Another explanation related to this is that the North Korean regime sees its nuclear capabilities as the ultimate guarantor of its survival and would be willing to sacrifice a large portion of its conventional strength to preserve its nuclear weapons arsenal, which almost certainly would be the target of U.S. precision strikes in the event of war. Also, North Korea’s military strategy remains focused on reunifying the Korean Peninsula within 30 days of the onset of hostilities, according to open source intelligence.






Non-combatant evacuation operation

2017年04月21日 14時00分08秒 | Weblog





・ワシントンポストは14日、トランプ米政権の公式な対北朝鮮政策として、「金正恩委員長の政権変更(regime change)は求めない方針を固めた」と伝えた。



Non-combatant evacuation operation

During NEOs, the US Ambassador is the senior authority for the evacuation and is ultimately responsible for the successful completion of the NEO and the safety of the evacuees. The Ambassador speaks with the authority of the President and serves as direct representative on site."



Japan Discusses How to Evacuate Citizens From South Korea

2017年04月21日 09時50分46秒 | Weblog

毎日新聞2017年4月21日 06時00分(最終更新 4月21日 09時42分)






South Korea’s wishes will have no major influence on Washington’s decision

2017年04月21日 09時44分58秒 | Weblog

It was not just bluster. Perry later conceded that the administration seriously considered conducting “surgical strikes” against North Korea’s embryonic nuclear installations. Fortunately, former President Jimmy Carter enticed Clinton to let him approach Pyongyang and conduct talks to resolve the crisis peacefully. But it was a close call. And at no time during the episode did Clinton or his advisers even hint that South Korea’s wishes would have a major influence on Washington’s decision about launching air strikes. Seoul certainly would not have had a veto over U.S. policy.

The same problem arising from South Korea’s security dependence exists with the current crisis. The Trump administration has stressed on several occasions that all options, including military force, are on the table. Washington has escalated tensions by sending an aircraft carrier strike group to waters off the Korean Peninsula. Once again, there is no indication that even vociferous South Korean objections would dissuade the administration from launching attacks on North Korea, if it decided to do so 





2017年04月21日 08時55分48秒 | Weblog






2017年04月21日 03時21分51秒 | Weblog





2017年04月21日 02時46分38秒 | Weblog













2017年04月21日 02時41分52秒 | Weblog

First, some inconvenient facts. North Korea’s missiles aren’t really failing at a terrible rate. Sanger and Broad argued that soon after Obama’s decision in 2014, a “large number of the North’s military rockets began to explode, veer off course, disintegrate in midair and plunge into the sea.”

Correlation is not causation, of course, and a simple review of North Korea’s missile launches suggests that if the United States is hacking North Korean missiles, it is doing a crap job of it.

Since 2014, about three-quarters of Pyongyang’s launches have succeeded. My colleague Shea Cotton keeps a database of every North Korean missile launch. Of the 66 missiles that North Korea launched during 2014 and after, 51 have succeeded. If hacking is playing any role, it is defeating a trivial number of missiles. A .230 average isn’t enough to keep you in the major leagues. And it’s a lousy batting average against nuclear-armed missiles.

Moreover, we can see those 15 failures were concentrated in a few new systems — missiles then under development where one would expect to see failures, hacking or no hacking.

The fact is, new systems are expected to fail at a higher rate.

The last two North Korean space launches, in December 2012 and again in February 2016, were successful. Look up and you can still see North Korea’s Kwangmyongsong-2 satellite in orbit.

Hacking allows us to entertain this fantasy a bit longer. It allows us to imagine that missile failures are not growing pains of an evolving and dangerous threat but evidence of our power, wisdom, and superior technology. The idea that hacking can prevent North Korea’s missiles from working allows us to avoid coming to terms with the reality that our policies are failing.







Kazuto Suzuki‏

