Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2017年02月14日 13時20分49秒 | Weblog
田原総一朗2017年02月13日 11:29「慰安婦像」問題の本当の「落としどころ」は、どこか?









2017年02月14日 12時27分11秒 | Weblog


Grab Trump by the right shoulder while shaking hands

2017年02月14日 12時02分00秒 | Weblog

A video
of Trump welcoming Trudeau shows the prime minister quickly grasping the president’s shoulder with his left arm, seemingly bracing for a potential pull. Trudeau then brings the handshake close and toward his center, cutting off Trump’s leverage and ensuring that his shoulder remains intact.



Lucky not to be raised in South Korea, says Former ambassador from Japan to South Korea

2017年02月14日 11時22分28秒 | Weblog
武藤正敏 [元・在韓国特命全権大使]




2017年02月14日 11時06分18秒 | Weblog

Shinzo Abe's golf diplomacy in Florida charts a path for foreign leaders with the Trump administration: use strategic patience and reap rewards (though remember, you could always end up in the sand traps).





”that will have been the easy part”

2017年02月14日 10時57分24秒 | Weblog

Mami Tanaka


今終わった、っていうけどそれ言ってる時点ではその「今」は過去なんだけど。I finished my homework. とどう違うの?と言われたときになんて説明する?already が意味することに言及してうやむやにしないことを祈る。





@buvery 過去は時間の流れの中のあるポイントを指すので「いつ」を示す副詞がつくとより分かりやすいですね。完了形はその動作が終わっているかどうか、を説明してどの時点で終わったかは問わない、という・・・。と書いていて良くわからなくなりました笑

@Mari5HK あ、真面目な回答ありがとうございます。自説ですが、現在完了は『(過去の動作・状態の)現在の状態』が要点。だから、現在と無関係な過去の動作・状態には使いません。たとえば、I was 17 that summer. で、I have been 17. ではない。

@buvery 自己レスしてますね。過去や過去完了との違いの話のようです。
1件の返信 0件のリツイート 0 いいね
返信 1 リツイート
buvery ‏@buvery 3 時間3 時間前
@nikumarukko あ、どうも。時間と時制の違いを混同すると、訳がわからない説明になるんです。たとえば、現在形は、現在のことを示すものではない。これは、英語でも同じで、present tense というけど、それでも現在だけじゃないんです。


Perfect (grammar)
The perfect tense or aspect (abbreviated perf or prf) is a verb form that indicates that an action or circumstance occurred earlier than the time under consideration, often focusing attention on the resulting state rather than on the occurrence itself. An example of a perfect construction is I have made dinner: although this gives information about a prior action (my making the dinner), the focus is likely to be on the present consequences of that action (the fact that the dinner is now ready). The word perfect in this sense means "completed" (from Latin perfectum, which is the perfect passive participle of the verb perficere "to complete").




that will have been the easy part



2017年02月14日 10時50分18秒 | Weblog






The more frantic media elites become, the more powerful that new political order becomes itself

2017年02月14日 10時49分03秒 | Weblog
The Kremlin Is Starting to Worry About Trump
Vladimir Putin's entourage cheered the outcome of the U.S. election – until they saw exactly what they were dealing with.

In the words of White House strategist-in-chief Stephen Bannon, Trump is positioning himself as the global leader of an anti-global movement that is anti-elite, anti-establishment, anti-liberal, and nationalistic. “What we are witnessing now,” Bannon told the Washington Post, “is the birth of a new political order, and the more frantic a handful of media elites become, the more powerful that new political order becomes itself.”

But Trump’s revolution is also ushering in a period of turmoil and uncertainty, including the likelihood of self-defeating trade wars. Still traumatized by the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia’s present leadership has no appetite for global instability.

With Trump in the White House, moreover, Putin has lost his monopoly over geopolitical unpredictability. The Kremlin’s ability to shock the world by taking the initiative and trashing ordinary international rules and customs has allowed Russia to play an oversized international role and to punch above its weight. Putin now has to share the capacity to keep the world off balance with a new American president vastly more powerful than himself. More world leaders are watching anxiously to discover what Trump will do next than are worrying about what Putin will do next. Meanwhile, using anti-Americanism as an ideological crutch has become much more dubious now that the American electorate has chosen as their president a man publicly derided as “Putin’s puppet.”

What the Kremlin fears most today is that Trump may be ousted or even killed. His ouster, Kremlin insiders argue, is bound to unleash a virulent and bipartisan anti-Russian campaign in Washington. Oddly, therefore, Putin has become a hostage to Trump’s survival and success. This has seriously restricted Russia’s geopolitical options. The Kremlin is perfectly aware that Democrats want to use Russia to discredit and possibly impeach Trump while Republican elites want to use Russia to deflate and discipline Trump. The Russian government fears not only Trump’s downfall, of course, but also the possibility that he could opportunistically switch to a tough anti-Moscow line in order to make peace with hawkish Republican leaders in Congress.

Trump’s presidency has also complicated Moscow’s relations with China and Iran. Moscow is interested in normalization with the West but not at the cost of joining a Washington-led anti-China coalition, which Trump seems insistent on creating. Moreover, Putin’s Russia hosts up to 20 million Muslims and therefore cannot indulge in the radical anti-Islam rhetoric adopted by Trump.


Evidence suggests Taiwan and South Korea, not China and Japan, are the worst offenders

2017年02月14日 10時35分03秒 | Weblog

Donald Trump’s anger at Asian currency manipulators misses target
Evidence suggests Taiwan and South Korea, not China and Japan, are the worst offenders

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“The only ones I know that have been constantly active in trying to keep their currencies from appreciating are Korea and Taiwan,” said Brad Setser, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Treasury economist during the Obama administration.


Trump said the Japanese were trying to influence financial markets so they could compete unfairly against the US. "They play the money market," he said, "and we sit there like a bunch of dummies."
Economists were baffled by his claims. "He's just shooting from the hip," the Harvard economist Kenneth Rogoff told me, saying Trump's accusations against the Japanese were unfounded - and that his understanding of Japan and the markets was fuzzy.

Don't lecture another country on how they choose to govern themseves

2017年02月14日 10時04分17秒 | Weblog



