Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.

Don't get carried-away with ‘gaijin power’ (Charisma man effect)

2016年05月26日 19時10分44秒 | Weblog
U.S. Marines briefing links crimes to ‘gaijin power'; for Okinawans, ‘it pays to complain’

Using a Japanese word for “foreigner,” one section from a February 2014 talk headed “Incidents and Accidents” states, “We get carried-away with our sudden ‘gaijin power’ (Charisma man effect) and tend to go over-board by doing things that is not acceptable to the majority in society.”

沖縄県民を見下す海兵隊の新人研修 「異性にもてるので注意」
2016年5月26日 15:20 注目 米軍 政治 サクッとニュース
Twitter 1876 3 B!65
米軍 政治




Don't expect foreign correspondents to report the anger and suffering of Okinawa people.

2016年05月26日 18時06分52秒 | Weblog

Obama apologizes for Okinawa incident
By Jeff Kepnes, CNN
Updated 2257 GMT (0657 HKT) May 25, 2016

"We want to see a crime like this prosecuted here in the same way that we would feel horrified and want to provide a sense of justice to a victim's family back in the U.S.," Obama said. "I think the Japanese people should know we are deeply moved and working with he Japanese government to prosecute not only this crime but prevent these kinds of crimes from happening again."


Obama apologizes for Okinawa incident
By Jeff Kepnes, CNN
Updated 2257 GMT (0657 HKT) May 25, 2016

Using surprisingly strong language, the Japanese prime minister said he felt “profound resentment” at the “self-centered and absolutely despicable crime.”


Obama expresses regret over alleged murder by US base worker in Japan

obama shinzo abe japan
Barack Obama and the Japanese prime minister, Shinzo Abe, meet during the G7 summit in Japan on Wednesday. Photograph: Carlos Barria/Reuters
Justin McCurry in Ise-Shima, Japan
Wednesday 25 May 2016 17.25 BST

Abe said, however, that he had no plans to make a reciprocal visit to Pearl Harbor, the target of a surprise Japanese attack in December 1941 that killed more than 2,400 US servicemen and prompted America’s entry into the European and Pacific theatres of the second world war.





The speeches by Abe and Obama and the reports by foreign correspondents are just farce

To understand the anger and suffering of Okinawa people we need to know how often women in Okinawa have been raped by U.S. military personels since U.S. occupied Okinawa

and how U.S. personels have left Japan unpunished because of U.S.–Japan Status of Forces Agreement

It does not matter if Kenneth Franklin Shinzato will be investigated under Japanese law this time. Next time an American rapist can leave Japan unpunished.

That's why Okinawa people are calling on revising Status of Forces Agreement

Moreover, under pressure from U.S. government Japanese government is even reluctant to prosecute American servicemen; the rate of prosecution against American personals is much lower than the one against Japanese

That's why Okinawa people are disappointed both at Japanese government and U.S. government.

No foreign journalists report the voices of Okinawa people.

Either they are not reading Japanese news media or they censor themselves.

We can't expect foreign correspondents to write an decent article on Japan.

Truth does not matter for foreign correspondents: Your name does.

2016年05月26日 13時12分49秒 | Weblog

When criticized and refuted by reliable sources, all she can say is "my name is real, and you are anonymous"---lol.

Truth and justice do not matter for foreign correspondents: what you name is matters.


2016年05月26日 12時55分53秒 | Weblog





2016年05月26日 03時58分59秒 | Weblog
強制わいせつ東大生5人が所属“ヤリサー”の卑劣な手口 「女子大生の局部にドライヤー」
デイリー新潮 5月25日(水)17時0分配信



強制わいせつ東大生5人が所属“ヤリサー”の卑劣な手口 「女子大生の局部にドライヤー」



Increase in student sex work in U.K.

2016年05月26日 03時23分45秒 | Weblog

Angela Jacob Bermudo, spokesperson for one of the most popular and self-promotional international sugar dating websites, SeekingArrangement.com, told me over email that the site now has 5m members, of which 1.4m (28%) are students. In the UK specifically, 160,000 (40%) of the 400,000 members are student sugar babies, a figure that Bermudo says “grew exponentially during the year of 2012". She puts the increase down to a policy change that allowed English universities to start charging up to £9,000 in fees per year.

This is a pattern similar to that observed in the US alongside rises in the cost of university. Similar debates have also gone on in Australia.

It has been suggested – including by some sugar babies themselves – that sugar dating is prostitution under a different name. There are certainly similar characteristics between sugar dating and certain forms of sex work, particularly escorting. However, SeekingArrangement emphasises that the company prohibits the use of their website for the direct exchange of money for sex. Sexual intimacy is not part of the initial agreement to enter into an arrangement. These are based on money, gifts and mentorship in return for (potentially ongoing) companionship – a loophole that has also been used by escorting websites.




Marriage is a tool for oppressing women

2016年05月26日 02時55分17秒 | Weblog












Maiden and married names
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Historically, a woman in England would assume her new husband's family name (or surname) after marriage, usually compelled to do so under coverture laws. This remains common practice in the United Kingdom today as well as in common law countries and countries where English is spoken, including Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Gibraltar, Falkland Islands, Ireland, India, Philippines, the English-speaking provinces of Canada, and the United States.

In Massachusetts, for instance, a 2004 Harvard study found approximately 87% of married college educated women take their husbands' name, down from a peak before 1975 of over 90% but up from about 80% in 1990. The same study found women with a college degree were "two to four times (depending on age) more likely to retain their surname" relative to those without a college degree.[15]
In the lowlands of Scotland in the 16th century, married women did not change their surnames, but today the practice of changing to the husband's family name is the norm.[16]

Legal status of name changes at marriage[edit]
In 2007, Michael Buday and Diana Bijon enlisted the American Civil Liberties Union and filed a discrimination lawsuit against the state of California. According to ACLU, the obstacles facing a husband who wishes to adopt his wife's last name violate the equal protection clause provided by the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.[25] At the time of the lawsuit, only the states of Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Massachusetts, New York and North Dakota explicitly allow a man to change his name through marriage with the same ease as a woman. As a result of the lawsuit, the Name Equality Act of 2007 was passed to allow either spouse to change their name, using their marriage license as the means of the change; the law took effect in 2009.[12][26]
In 2013, a Florida man successfully forced the Florida Department of Motor Vehicles to accept his decision to take his wife's last name.[27]



”men are warriors and women are mothers”

2016年05月26日 02時41分52秒 | Weblog

The problem with the grooming narrative is that it seriously misrepresents women’s radicalization as an essentially passive process and obscures, as numerous studies show, the striking degree to which young women themselves are actively involved in recruiting like-minded “sisters” to the cause. It also presents an unreal picture in which women and young girls are somehow “targeted” and then seduced by online recruiters, drastically overestimating the recruiter’s powers of selection and persuasion. Everything we know about radicalization suggests otherwise: that potential recruits actively seek out the message and the messenger (and that the decisive facilitator in radicalization is typically not an anonymous predatory online recruiter, but a trusted friend or family member).

Scott Atran, an anthropologist at Oxford University and France’s National Center for Scientific Research, in his current research, describes these women as “post-feminist and post-adolescent.” He writes, “They are tired of a seemingly endless, genderless, culturally indistinct coming of age. The Islamic State and al Qaeda provide clear red lines: Men are men, and women are women.” Which is to say that men are warriors and women are mothers, whose primary duty, as Umm Muthanna put it in one tweet, is “to raise the next generation of lions in Islamic State.”

These women’s greatest anxieties are related to dunya, or the material world, which they condemn as corrupt and polluting. This is why the niqab is so symbolically important: It acts as a protective shield against worldly poison and vice. As Andrew Sullivan perceptively observed, describing the logic of fundamentalism, “Sin begets sin. The sin of others can corrupt you as well.” Hence the appeal of the caliphate: a state in which sin is violently punished and constantly purged from the public body.




“Being submissive is very compatible with feminism"

2016年05月26日 02時27分24秒 | Weblog


What Do Women Really Masturbate To?
Almost all women find these four things mutually stimulating.
By Carrie Weisman / AlterNet May 23, 2016


Susan Wright, founder/president of a sexual rights organization called the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom, once told AlterNet, “Being submissive is very compatible with feminism because it is choosing your own form of sexual expression. In the end, sexuality is empowering—and you can empower people in all the diverse ways that they enjoy sexuality. Power exchanges are one of those ways.”

Back at the Pornhub analytics blog, we find women to be 80-100% more likely to click on extra-explicit categories like hardcore, rough sex, double penetration and gangbang than men.

