Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2015年01月13日 22時49分31秒 | Weblog
France's First Free-Speech Challenge After Charlie Hebdo
Provocateur and "comedian" Dieudonné could face charges after posting a controversial statement on his Facebook account.




Here's how France's current prime minister Manuel Valls characterized the quenelle last year: "This gesture is a gesture of hatred, it’s an anti-Semitic gesture and all those who perform it should know—they can’t deny knowledge—that they are performing an anti-Semitic gesture, an inverted Nazi gesture."

“Valls' criticism followed a controversy in which a number of photos of the salute surfaced, performed by French soldiers outside of a synagogue in Paris, people malingering outside of Holocaust memorials, and a French soccer star after scoring a goal. French courts, which enforce the country's restrictive hate speech laws, have previously found Dieudonné guilty of such crimes as defamation, libel, and incitement to hatred and racial discrimination, but a ban on the quenelle hasn't materialized yet.

で、この人が、わたしはシャリエ クリバリだとやったら、テロ擁護容疑で検察が調査中である、と。


Whenever I express myself some people will not even try to understand me, they will not listen. They try to find some kind of pretext to suppress me. I am looked upon as if I were Amedy Coulibaly, when I am no different from Charlie.



Dieudonné was previously fined a hefty sum for his utterances including one interview where he said "The biggest crooks in the world, that’s the Jews.” The question now is whether that is something Charlie or Coulibaly would say.

ユダヤ人は、世界最悪の詐欺師だ、と発言して、厖大な罰金を支払わされたことがある、と。 問題は、これが、シャルリーなのか、クリバリ(テロリスト)の発言なのか、だ、と。







2015年01月13日 21時25分03秒 | Weblog
2015年01月13日 20時27



Charlie Hebdo publishing prophet cartoon on new cover

Liberation published the Charlie Hebdo cover online late Monday night, ahead of the satirical magazine's publication on Wednesday. The cartoon shows a bearded man in a white turban with a tear streaming down his cheek, and holding a sign reading "Je suis Charlie" ("I am Charlie"). Overhead was the phrase: "Tout est Pardonne" ("All is Forgiven"), which French media interpreted as meaning Muhammad is forgiving the cartoonists for lampooning him.


Line breaks: for|give
Pronunciation: /fəˈɡɪv /
Definition of forgive in English:
VERB (past forgave; past participle forgiven)

1Stop feeling angry or resentful towards (someone) for an offence, flaw, or mistake:

What Is Forgiveness?

Psychologists generally define forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness.


回答者:pandaApple回答日時:2010/03/06 19:37




All is forgiven

Everything is permitted


‘Ich bin Charlie’---Marching against Islamists, 40,000 angry Germans take to the streets

2015年01月13日 17時14分01秒 | Weblog

Snug in her bright woolly hat and fur-lined pink boots, the three-year-old girl was perched on her father’s shoulders last night, waving a German flag. Her older brother, aged six, stood proudly beside them.
The children were far too young to understand why they had journeyed four miles from their home, in the suburbs of Dresden, to be among this vast crowd on a chilly winter’s evening.
They had no idea why so many people were holding black placards bearing white crosses and strange French names, and slogans such as: ‘Yesterday Paris, tomorrow Berlin!’ Nor why they had to be silent for a full minute as a mark of respect for innocent people who had died.

Yet their father, a computer game representative who would only give his first name – Jens – was determined his children should march with him as the great populist backlash against radical Islam shifted from Paris to the eastern-most fringes of Europe.
‘I brought them to show that you don’t have to be a racist to be worried about the dangers of immigration and religious fanatics,’ he told me, as the throngs swelled around him.

Likened to both Ukip and the right-wing Tea Party in America, they have a 19-point manifesto with a raft of grievances. For example, they are opposed to Germany’s membership of the EU, want a return to the Deutschemark, and believe mainstream politicians ignore them.
But their most pressing complaint is that their traditional Teutonic values and culture are being swept away on the biggest tide of immigration since the Sixties, when Turks arrived in their tens of thousands to rebuild post-war Germany.

That much became clear on Monday night when I joined the marchers as they massed in a city-centre park, their numbers swollen to more than 40,000 by events in Paris, according to organisers, and many wearing black armbands as a mark of respect for the victims.

The people I met repeatedly stressed that they were not against immigrants or immigration, per se. Indeed, they said that migrants were welcome provided they wished to assimilate – to adopt the German language and customs, and live by its rules and morals.
By the same token, one man told me it was ‘time for ethnic Europeans to reclaim our birth-right ... time we remembered that Germany was our country first, and if people wish to live here they must adapt’.

I have nothing against anyone, but they must surely be grateful to us, and accept our morals and standards,’ she told me.
On Sunday, millions of people on France gathered to make their voice heard. Now it has been the turn of the Germans.
‘Je Suis Charlie’ – a reference to the victims at the Charlie Hebdo magazine – had become ‘Ich bin Charlie’
, but the defiance and indignation burnt as fiercely on the banks of the Elbe last night as by the Seine.
Europe is on the march, and there is no telling where these outpourings of passionate national sentiment might lead – or when they will reach these shores.




2015年01月13日 15時33分21秒 | Weblog


30 years ago Kinokuniya wouldn't employ girls who were short, ugly, stupid, wore glasses or got sick often. http://netgeek.biz/archives/27622 (J)



As many as 10,000 Okinawan women may have been raped by the U.S. military

2015年01月13日 15時10分24秒 | Weblog
宮台真司2015年01月12日 21:27昨年10月23日マスコミ倫理懇での朝日慰安婦報道の検証に関わるスピーチを文章にしました





3 Dead Marines and a Secret of Wartime Okinawa

Published: June 1, 2000
There has been scant mention of rape afterward. But by one academic's estimate, as many as 10,000 Okinawan women may have been raped and rape was so prevalent that most Okinawans over age 65 either know or have heard of a woman who was raped in the aftermath of the war.

Rape during the occupation of Japan
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




2015年01月13日 13時11分19秒 | Weblog

はたの ‏@althusser723 1月10日
http://mainichi.jp/select/news/20150111k0000m030071000c.html …
https://twitter.com/Aboujahjah/status/553737862399553536 … の翻訳が決定的に間違っている。
0件の返信 74件のリツイート 20件のお気に入り
返信 リツイート74 お気に入りに登録20


Dyab Abou Jahjah

I am not Charlie, I am Ahmed the dead cop. Charlie ridiculed my faith and culture and I died defending his right to do so. #JesuisAhmed

https://twitter.com/Aboujahjah/status/553737862399553536 …


I died defending his right to do so



Man was born crying and he dies complaining

自由の行進か、反移民、反イスラムの絶叫か? ”私は殺されたイスラム警官だ” ”I'm Ahmed Merabet!"

"Petition for white Australians to apologize for Rupert Murdoch"

2015年01月13日 11時51分39秒 | Weblog






Petition for Jews to apologise for killing Jesus  動画



もっとも、ユダヤ人がイエスを殺害した悪者のような固定観念をもっている人は実際、いるようである。Jewish deicideーーーそうした人々を茶化しているのだろう。


As a Japanese, I would like to apologise for Abe. 


パリの行進 偽善指導者たちの滑稽な茶番劇 Circus of Hypocrisy

2015年01月13日 08時42分44秒 | Weblog
Democracy Now

Circus of Hypocrisy": Jeremy Scahill on How World Leaders at Paris March Oppose Press Freedom

But on the other hand, this is sort of a circus of hypocrisy when it comes to all of those world leaders who were marching at the front of it. I mean, every single one of those heads of state or representatives of governments there have waged their own wars against journalists. You know, David Cameron ordered The Guardian to smash with a hammer the hard drives that stored the files of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. Blasphemy is considered a crime in Ireland. You had multiple African and Arab leaders whose own countries right now have scores of journalists in prison. Benjamin Netanyahu’s government in Israel has targeted for killing numerous journalists who have reported on the Palestinian side, have kidnapped, abducted, jailed journalists.

You know, there’s this controversy right now: Why didn’t President Obama go, or why didn’t Joe Biden go? You know, Eric Holder was there already and was representing the United States.

I think that we should remember—and I was saying this on Twitter over the weekend—that Yemen should have sent the Yemeni journalist Abdulelah Haider Shaye as their representative. He, of course, was in prison for years on the direct orders of President Obama for having reported on secret U.S. strikes in Yemen that killed scores of civilians. Or Sudan should have sent Sami al-Hajj, the Al Jazeera cameraman who was held for six years without charge in Guantánamo and repeatedly interrogated by U.S. operatives who were intent on proving that Al Jazeera had some sort of a link to al-Qaeda. So, you know, while there is much to take heart in, in terms of this huge outpouring of support for freedom of the press, hypocrisy was on full display in the streets of Paris when it came to the world leaders.

And let’s remember, while horrifying and reprehensible, these incidents represent a relatively minor threat to Western society. You know, in terms of the actual threats facing our society, this doesn’t even rank in the top five. And so, you know, to have this kind of a reaction is not only a waste of a tremendous amount of money, but it is going to encourage, I think, future acts of terrorism.

AMY GOODMAN: And, of course, it is a horrific moment where people actually see it before them.

JEREMY SCAHILL: Yes, right. But, you know, it’s, again, the—let’s remember that the United States bombed Al Jazeera in Afghanistan very early on after 9/11, then bombed the Sheraton Hotel in Basra, Iraq, where Al Jazeera journalists were the only journalists. Then they killed one of the most famous Al Jazeera correspondents in Baghdad in April of 2003, when Victoria Clarke, George Bush’s Pentagon spokesperson at the time, basically said if you’re an unembedded journalist, you’re with the terrorists, and if you die, it’s not our fault. They shelled the Palestine Hotel, killing a Reuters cameraman and the Spanish cameraman José Couso. So, yes, we should be condemning any and all attacks, especially when they’re killing journalists, no matter who the perpetrators are, but let’s not act as though the West’s hands are clean and that any one of those world leaders marching yesterday, that their hands are clean on these matters.








”African lives are still deemed less newsworthy less valuable than western lives”.

2015年01月13日 01時44分01秒 | Weblog


“I am Charlie, but I am Baga too”

“I am Charlie, but I am Baga too,” wrote Simon Allison for the Daily Maverick, a partner on the Guardian Africa network. “There are massacres and there are massacres” he said, arguing that “it may be the 21st century, but African lives are still deemed less newsworthy – and, by implication, less valuable – than western lives”.

But the blame does not just lie with western media, there was little from the African media either, said Allison. No leaders were condemning the attacks, nor did any talk of a solidarity movement, he said, adding that “our outrage and solidarity over the Paris massacre is also a symbol of how we as Africans neglect Africa’s own tragedies, and prioritise western lives over our own.”


仏 ”相次ぐ反ユダヤ主義の暴力、国外移住も視野”

2015年01月13日 01時20分41秒 | Weblog
mozu @mozumozumozu · 49分 49分前
相次ぐ反ユダヤ主義の暴力、国外移住も視野に フランス 写真1枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News http://j.mp/17AojNf @afpbbcomさんから

相次ぐ反ユダヤ主義の暴力、国外移住も視野に フランス
2015年01月12日 12:38 発信地:パリ/フランス

Jews mull leaving France over increasing anti-Semitic attacks
by Agence France-Presse
January 12, 2015

From the vicious rape of a woman because her partner is Jewish to this week’s deadly shooting at a kosher supermarket, a soaring number of anti-Semitic attacks is making many Jews wonder if they should simply leave France

Paris attacks: Jews 'thinking of leaving' as fears of growing anti-Semitism are exacerbated following atrocities



12人のフランス人テロ犠牲者 ≥  数百の黒人ナイジェリア人テロ犠牲者

2015年01月13日 00時43分11秒 | Weblog


騒ぎすぎ。もちろんテロは悪いが、シリアでは毎日、何十人もテロで殺されている。ジャーナリストを特権化するのは気持ち悪い。“@nikkei: 反テロ、仏史上最大のデモに 全土で370万人参加 http://s.nikkei.com/1tYpyQl ”

Syria conflict: 76,000 die in deadliest year - activists
Friday, 02 January 2015 00:29 Written by BBC

THE year 2014 was the deadliest year yet in Syria's four-year conflict, with over 76,000 killed, activists say.
The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 17,790 of the dead were civilians, including 3,501 children.

Amnesty: Nigeria massacre deadliest in history of Boko Haram

YOLA, Nigeria (AP) -- Hundreds of bodies -- too many to count -- remain strewn in the bush in Nigeria from an Islamic extremist attack that Amnesty International suggested Friday is the "deadliest massacre" in the history of Boko Haram

ボコ・ハラムが大量虐殺か、町や村制圧 ナイジェリア
2015.01.10 Sat posted at 15:49 JST


12人のフランス人犠牲者(ほぼ全員白人) ≥  数百の黒人ナイジェリア人犠牲者



わたしはシャリエ クリバリだ。

2015年01月13日 00時07分17秒 | Weblog


The message generated a wave of indignant csomments on social media and tweets and was referred to the French police. It was removed from Dieudonné’s page after a few hours.


