Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2014年04月22日 15時52分11秒 | Weblog

安倍総理の真榊奉納に 中国・韓国が反発
テレビ朝日系(ANN) 4月22日(火)0時5分配信




Chief Cabinet Secretary says Abe's Yasukuni offering was made in private capacity ― but it was done under the name "Prime Minister Shinzo Abe."





The Patriot 安倍信三

2014年04月22日 15時01分23秒 | Weblog
The Patriot: Shinzo Abe Speaks to TIME
Nancy Gibbs @nancygibbs Hannah Beech @hkbeech April 17, 2014


On his visit to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine, where the enshrined war dead include convicted war criminals:

“I paid a visit to Yasukuni Shrine to pray for the souls of those who had fought for the country and made ultimate sacrifices. I have made a pledge never to wage war again, that we must build a world that is free from the sufferings of the devastation of war.”



Some parts are heinous -- the description of the fall of Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, for example.

2014年04月22日 14時38分56秒 | Weblog
MONDAY, APRIL 21, 2014
Prior To President Obama's Arrival - A Question Of Atmospherics

Incidentally, I recently visited the attached Yushukan (Link). I had long eschewed going, not wishing to give a yen to the shrine or its affiliates. However, when a certain officer of the Congressional Research Service asked if I were available to tag along on a visit, I broke my longstanding vow.

On the whole I found the place a lot less lurid than I expected, with the arguments more allusive and evasive than I could have imagined. Some parts are heinous -- the description of the fall of Nanjing, for example.


言及しないのがheinousなら、アメリカの歴史教科書や、雑誌記事のほとんどは、アメリカの東京大虐殺や広島、長崎大虐殺、あるいは、米兵が搾取し続けているアジア女性性奴隷を言及しないのだから、それらは、heinous であろう。


 日本の一部の右翼は 南京大虐殺を無視し、アメリカのインテリの大半は、東京大虐殺も、広島大虐殺を無視している。




2014年04月22日 14時24分34秒 | Weblog
時事通信 4月21日(月)12時40分配信

The South Korea ferry disaster is truly awful, but it is not murder
Any tragedy involving children will provoke intense emotions, but it's too easy to simply label the Sewol's crew 'killers'
Share 690

Mary Dejevsky
The Guardian, Monday 21 April




猪野 亨
2014年04月19日 23:30珍島沖の旅客船「セウォル号」沈没事故から思い起こすこと 日本も同様の事故が起きている



こういうことを真面目な顔して報道するから、Russia Todayを引用するのが恥かしくなるのだ。

2014年04月22日 02時23分16秒 | Weblog
Fukushima radiation killing our children, govt hides truth - former mayor
Published time: April 21, 2014 14:03
Edited time: April 21, 2014 14:48

Fukushima disaster: Tokyo hides truth as children die, become ill from radiation - ex-mayor
April 21, 2014 08:30

SS: The United Nations report on the radiation fallout from Fukushima says no radiation-related deaths or acute diseases have been observed among the workers and general public exposed - so it’s not that dangerous after all? Or is there not enough information available to make proper assessments? What do you think?

KI: This report is completely false. The report was made by a representative of Japan – Professor Hayano. Representing Japan, he lied to the whole world. When I was mayor, I knew many people who died from a heart attack, and then there were many people in Fukushima who died suddenly, even among young people. It’s a real shame that the authorities hide the truth from the whole world, from the UN. We need to admit that actually many people are dying. We are not allowed to say that, but TEPCO employees also are dying. But they keep mum about it.

SS: Do you have an estimate of casualties?

KI: Today I don’t have the numbers with me.

SS: Mr. Idogawa, we only need an estimate, just to understand the scale of the tragedy you’re talking about.

KI: It’s a huge responsibility to give specific numbers. It’s hard for me, because I haven’t studied this matter personally. But it’s not just one or two people. We’re talking about ten to twenty people who died this way.


 まあ、別にアメリカのメディアだって、事故のときに、使用済み燃料が外に飛び出して、それを重機で運び出しているなどアニメつきでトンデモ報道していたから、Russia Today だけとか限らないのだが、 こういうことを真面目な顔して報道するから、Russia Todayを引用するのが恥かしくなるのだ。

