Japanese and Koreans invaded Asia. We apologize.


2009年06月06日 08時44分18秒 | Weblog
プロレタリア型右翼 永井俊哉ドットコム

2重国籍 ドイツの場合

2009年06月06日 07時17分43秒 | Weblog

 原則、重国籍禁止 でそれを解除する気配はない、という記事である。

German citizenship applications continue to fall

A persistent fall in the number of immigrants becoming naturalized German citizens has seen politicians in Berlin reignite the debate about cultural integration and citizenship tests.

To be granted German citizenship, an immigrant must have lived in Germany legally for at least eight years. They have to prove they have an independent income, don't require social welfare or unemployment benefits, and have a good grasp of the German language.

Additional rules introduced in 2007 require applicants who have not graduated from a German school to pass a controversial "citizenship test".

The examination costs 25 euros and consists of 33 multiple choice items selected from a catalog of 310 questions about German history, culture and the political system. Would-be Germans must provide at least 17 correct answers to pass, otherwise they can try again and re-sit the examination at a later date.

The federal government says extremely low failure rates (around one percent) prove the test is a success. But critics say the authorities have got it wrong.

The left-wing Berlin state senate's commissioner for integration, Guenter Piening, says many immigrants from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds are so worried by the test that they haven't dared to apply for German citizenship.

Language barriers

The government's new language test is particularly unpopular among immigrants. Applicants can't get by on basic phrases communicating where they live and who they know. They have to be able to describe their dreams and justify their opinions.

Boehmer, a Christian Democrat, says the plunge in the number of foreigners taking up German citizenship needs to be carefully examined because a number of factors are at play.

One is a rule that came into force in 2000. It states that a child born to an immigrant parent who's been living in Germany for more than eight years is automatically granted German citizenship - so there's no need for an application.

However, critics point out that such children only remain German if they choose to give up their foreign nationality when they reach 18 years of age. They say this forced decision puts youths with immigrant backgrounds under a lot of pressure.

So far calls for Germany to lift its general ban on dual citizenship have found little support among Germany's major political parties - and there's little to suggest their position will change any time soon.

Autor: Bernd Gräßler/Sam Edmonds

Editor: Chuck Penfold

IMMIGRATION | 12.06.2009
The German passport is losing its appeal

Guide to Naturalization pdf
US citizenship and immigration service

The Constitution and laws of the United
States give many rights to both citizens
and non-citizens living in the United
States. However, some rights are only for
citizens, such as:
• Voting. Only U.S. citizens can vote
in Federal elections. Most States
also restrict the right to vote, in most
elections, to U.S. citizens.
• Bringing family members to the
United States. Citizens generally
get priority when petitioning to bring
family members permanently to this
• Obtaining citizenship for children
born abroad. In most cases, a child
born abroad to a U.S. citizen is
automatically a U.S. citizen.
• Becoming eligible for Federal jobs.
Most jobs with government agencies
require U.S. citizenship.
• Becoming an elected official. Many
elected offices in this country require

To become a U.S. citizen you must
take the Oath of Allegiance. The Oath
includes several promises you make
when you become a U.S. citizen,
including promises to:
• Give up all prior allegiance to any other
nation or sovereignty;
• Swear allegiance to the United States;
• Support and defend the Constitution
and the laws of the United States; and
• Serve the country when required.

It is by participating in your
community that you truly become
an American.


2009年06月06日 05時20分39秒 | Weblog
【民主党解剖】第4部 新体制の行方(3)どうなる外国人参政権

佐藤 令
















Right of foreigners to vote


2009年06月06日 04時27分20秒 | Weblog
Japan Times JUST BE CAUSE Column Jun 2 2009: “The issue that dares not speak its name”

Posted by debito on June 3rd, 2009


有道ブログである。相変わらずである。本文のJapan Times の記事は仮に日本語にしても論点を理解できない日本人も多いだろう。

This would be impossible in Japan too, if racial discrimination was illegal.



第十四条  すべて国民は、法の下に平等であつて、人種、信条、性別、社会的身分又は門地により、政治的、経済的又は社会的関係において、差別されない。

Article 14. All of the people are equal under the law and there shall be no discrimination in political, economic or social relations because of race, creed, sex, social status or family origin.


(参考記事 有道くんは知っていた




DIJ Tokyo Symposium 2009: Japan’s Demographic Science overtaken by anti-immigration politics

これのコメント欄みてごらん。* 本題は、日本の反移民政策とこれまた、香ばしい題目なのだが、コメント欄では、田母神論文が批判され、なんとブキャナンが支持されている。そして、なぜか731部隊が話題になる。


Darridge Says:
June 5th, 2009 at 1:45 am

“After the Greater East Asia War, many countries in Asia and Africa were released from the
control of white nations. A world of racial equality arrived” Tamogami Toshio

So that’s why foreigners have to carry ID cards 24/7 - Racial equality!

He’s right of course, Japanese imperialism is soooooo much more dignified than western. After all, just ask Korea, Thailand and the rest of south east Asia - they were so pleased about it he writes - go on I dare you! So pleased I notice none have asked them back.

It’s ok. guys like this are a dying breed (look at the demographics). The status quo is NOT going to change, and within a while the little alpha male guys bitter at having watched the Japanese phoenix soar too close to the sun will be gone, and Japan will inevitably open however reluctantly to the rest of the world as economics etc will dictate.

Isolation can only happen if you don’t want to sell things to the rest of the world - a la North Korea. Japan wants to export its culture and as such it will have to import others to do so.

Mark In Yayoi Says:
June 5th, 2009 at 3:53 am
Mike, regarding Tamogami and possible future nationalism, you might be interested in this discussion of anti-Americanism in popular media:


There are some extremely lurid and violent images in the beginning and towards the end, so be warned, but there’s also some good discussion of Tamogami, Aso, and another writer named Arai Shinkichi, who offers a more balanced view of Japanese nationalism and WWII atrocities. I’m not yet ready to give up on Japan sinking into nativist squalor just yet.

Mike Says:
June 5th, 2009 at 9:27 am
Thanks Mark. Thats some graphic stuff there. To counter that what that guy is putting out, Id like to referance the famous Unit 731. Im sorry I dont have the link, but there used to be a very good documentary on YouTube about it. It was interesting because one of the generals is still alive and made no apologies for what he did and said those Chinese he killed were not human. He said he would do it all over again. Its also interesting to me how many Japanese will protray a one sided picture of the US and all its wrong while running from or even denying their own attrocities. The hate between the 2 Koreas and Japan is mostly Japans fault if you read history. I see now where Japan is so eager to do a preemptive strike against N. Korea and even modify its constitution. Im no fan of N. Korea but its very strange to me how many Japanese would rather hate or maintain their supieroity in Asia before giving any thought to the fact that they are the leading democractic nation in Asia and should act like it.

Mike Says:
June 5th, 2009 at 10:38 am
Here is an interesting take on WW2 by Pat Bucchanan. I think he is leaving out some details though.


– We’re getting way off topic. This’ll be the last post on the whole WWII thing.